Wildlife 24 specialises in wildlife sales
For wildlife sales, you’re at the right place. Wildlife 24 are experts at wildlife sales.
We source rare and exotic game for wildlife sales. If you want to buy or sell wildlife, Wildlife 24 will assist you to find the right game at the right price.
We handle permits. One of the most important aspects of wildlife sales is the correct and efficient sourcing of wildlife sales permits. One cannot buy or sell wildlife without following the correct legal processes. At Wildlife 24 we handle all aspects related to sourcing the correct permits to allow you to buy and sell wildlife.
Wildlife 24 is well-known as an expert company when it comes to organising wildlife sales permits quickly and always in the correct way.
These permits include all the appropriate and correct permits to allow you to buy, sell and keep wildlife.
Wildlife 24 assists with exemption permits, WR certificates, CITIES import and export certificates and permits, TOPS applications, convey permits and all other permits relevant to the wildlife industry.
Mandie Visser ensures the integrity of all Wildlife 24's wildlife sales. As in all aspects of life, integrity counts when it comes to wildlife sales. We are so committed to honest and legal game sales, we put our own personal reputations on the line every time we handle wildlife sales.
Our owner and passionate wildlife expert Mandie Visser personally guarantees all of our transactions. Mandie ensures all game sales facilitated by Wildlife 24 are honourable, fair and always above board. This means in Mandie you have a go-to person for game sales with integrity and honesty.
Professional wildlife breeders: Only the best breeders are good enough when it comes to top-notch wildlife sales. This is why we only have business agreements with reputable and professional game breeders. These relationships, nurtured over many years, also include access to professional wildlife capture teams and reliable, experienced veterinarians.
Wildlife sales services: At Wildlife 24 after sales service includes taking care of all delivery arrangements, such as correct permits, travel and other documentation and, importantly, insurance solutions. These rigorous wildlife sales systems ensure we can always be relied upon to handle all wildlife and game sales transactions from start to finish, without a hitch.
Additional wildlife sales services such as permits, transportation of wildlife and insurance are extra cost items, added to the price of the wildlife bought or sold.
We recently expanded our services into the Namibia market and we are looking forward providing our profesional service to the Wildlife Industry in Namibia.
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