Tsandi Constituency is located at Tsandi, Namibia
Tsandi Constituency is an electoral constituency in the Omusati Region of Namibia. It has 26,834 inhabitants, its district capital is the settlement of Tsandi.The constituency contains the village of Omugulugwombashe, the place where the first armed battle in the Namibian struggle for independence took place. Tsandi constituency is traditionally a stronghold of the South West Africa People's Organization (SWAPO) party. In the 2015 local and regional elections SWAPO candidate Junias Amunkete won uncontested and became councillor after no opposition party nominated a candidate.
Tags : #GovernmentOrganization, #LandmarkHistoricalPlace, #Landmark&HistoricalPlace
Location :
Added by
Jopie, at 01 January 2020