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Shalom . Swakop River Valley is a cafe, located at D1909, 178 Swakop River Plots, 9000 Swakopmund, Namibia. They can be contacted via phone at +264813056646, visit their website www.farmshalom.com for more detailed information.

Shalom is a beautiful farm 10km outside of Swakopmund. We are selling our own fresh & locally produced vegetables and olive oil at our weekly Farmer's Market and offer artisan coffee, cakes and Saturday Brunch Menu at our vibrant Bistro.

Tags : #FarmersMarket

Location :
D1909, 178 Swakop River Plots, 9000 Swakopmund
Added by Jopie, at 28 July 2018


Situated in the Namibian wilderness, we grow a rich variety of vegetables, herbs and flowers including olives and produce our famous olive oil.
At our Farmer's Market, that takes place every Saturday morning, and at our very own Bistro you have the chance of experiencing and tasting these uniquely grown products.
We also offer guided tours of our green houses and olive oil tastings. If you are interested in renting the place for your next event, please contact us and we are happy to help!

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19 Reviews

  • Anynomous
    24 August 2018

    Happy weekend everyone!!!

    Don't forget, tomorrow is market day. Join us for a scrumptious, healthy breakfast and buy yourself some freshly produced vegetables.

    #food security #wholefoods #sustainableagriculturalpractises #ClimateChange #capacitybuilding #shalom #freshvegetables #greenhouse

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  • Anynomous
    22 August 2018

    Did you know:

    "Namibia is the driest Sub-Saharan nation and is among the countries most severely affected by climate change. This is threatening food security in the country"

    #Shalom #FoodSecurity #ClimateChange #sustainableagriculturalpractises #Capacity Building #Local community empowerment

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  • Anynomous
    21 August 2018

    Hello Friends,

    Our focus phrase for the week is "food security".

    We will be discussing what it means, how Namibia ranks in the world with regards to the same and share how each of us can contribute towards it.

    Wishing you all a productive week!

    #foodproduction #sustainable agricultural practises #greenhouse #foodsecurity #communitydevelopment #capacitybuilding

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  • Anynomous
    19 August 2018

    Thanks to all who came out today in the morning for brunch and those who shook a leg to the music of the "Two hats" at our afternoon braai. We are happy you had so much fun and we had a lot too!

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  • Anynomous
    18 August 2018

    It has started !!!! Music and Braai till 19:00. Btw. Guys we have a cab service on site 30,- to Swakopmund, so not overpriced.

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  • Anynomous
    17 August 2018

    Last but not least about our flowers, here the two guys who make the flower magic happen. Prassad and Tio. Both of them make sure that our flowers are doing well. Prassad as one of our aggronomists makes sure that nutrients, irrigation, temperature and soil are always at the optimum level for the flowers to grow. Tio makes sure that the same is applied and is responsible for correct harvesting and packaging. Through being responsible for the greenhouses with the flowers and working with Prassad he learned all about irrigation, nutrients, monitoring and maintaining optimum growth and keeping the flowers happy. #knowledgesharing #learning #growing #makingnamibiagreen #globalfamily #shalomflowers #sustainableagriculture #greengrowth #AvaGro #gerbera

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  • Anynomous
    17 August 2018

    Only one more sleep and then it is Braai and dance time with the live band "Two Hats"! Enjoy a sunny afternoon with songs from Kenny Rogers, The Stones, Chris Rea, Smokie, Chris Isaak, Belamy Brothers, Pat Green, Smokie and many other classic country and rock songs.

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  • Anynomous
    17 August 2018

    Hello friends!

    It's Friday! Don't forget, tomorrow is Braai & Dance Saturday with our very own "Two Hats" live band.

    We hope you had a productive week and that you can join us for some guilt free fun you know what they say about work/life balance.

    Complete the sentence in the comments below and win a mystery gift!

    "All work and no play makes Sally a"

    #Shalom #Oasis in the desert #Community #Balance #Nature

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  • Anynomous
    15 August 2018

    Hi Guys! 3 Days to go and then we are having a party :). Although it's a bit brisk today, the weather forecast for Saturday looks awesome. 23 degrees and bright sunshine. We can't wait!

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  • Anynomous
    13 August 2018

    The Countdown begins today!!

    ****5nights to go!

    Shalom "Braai & Dance"!

    Happy Week Everyone!

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  • Anynomous
    12 August 2018

    Hi guys, don’t forget we are open today from 9-15 serving breakfast and our scrumptious pancakes! Thanks to everyone who came out yesterday, it was a lot of fun showing you all around! After orchids and roses, here now a glimpse at our lovely Gerberas. Our greenhouse produces roughly 400-600 Gerberas per week. That’s a lot of flowers!

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  • Anynomous
    10 August 2018

    Yesterday was a super exciting day! Our rose seedlings arrived and we planted them. In about 3-4 months this greenhouse is going to be filled with beautiful roses in 5 different colors. When I opened one of the boxes there was a mini rose already. So cool! Clumsy as I am I managed to break it off but the plant will be fine and produce a lovely flower again.

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  • Anynomous
    09 August 2018

    7 Incredible Orchid Facts That No One Ever Told You Before!

    1. Orchids are the largest family of flowering plants.

    2. They have also been around the longest as they are one of the oldest flowers in existence. Since varieties of orchids are found all over the world, it’s accepted that orchids were in existence prior to the separation of the continents. There are more than 25,000 documented orchid species throughout the world. This means the number of orchids on the planet is four times the number of birds and four times the number of mammals! That’s A LOT of orchids!!

    3. Although generally thought of as a tropical plant, orchids grow on every continent. From the Arctic Circle to the southernmost jungle (except Antarctica). They’re valued and thought of as beautiful across continents and cultures with varying meanings and customs surrounding their existence.

    4. The smallest orchid is the size of a dime. This amazing orchid is small enough to fit in a doll house!

    5. Orchids yummy enough to eat and cook with!

    6. Orchids have the tiniest seeds in the world. This makes them a challenge to grow and cultivate. They take forever to sprout and actually turn into a plant! Growing orchids from seeds is only for the patient and very green-thumbed. There can be up to 3 million seeds in a single orchid seedpod. You’ll never see them though, they are the size of a speck of dust and are only visible under a microscope. Part of the reason for their small size is that they lack an endosperm and have no nutrients within. They require contact with a particular fungus to germinate and grow. We find this fact particularly interesting!

    It takes patience to grow an orchid.

    Some orchid flowers bloom for mere hours, while others last up to half a year.

    7. Orchid flowers always grow upside down when mature. The orchid can have enough blooms to be heavy enough for the orchid to hang down. Gravity always wins! Orchid plants can live to be up to 100 years old. Who said orchids are hard to grow?? We would like to think that all our customers have at least one orchid plant in their home to enjoy.

    How many orchid plants do you have in your home??

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  • Anynomous
    08 August 2018

    Kom ons gaan dans!

    Let's dance, shall we?


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  • Anynomous
    07 August 2018

    Beautiful!! #FloriCulture #Shalom #Minimalist #Less is more!

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  • Anynomous
    06 August 2018

    Shalom phrase of the week;



    noun: the cultivation of flowers!

    After seeing how much our social media friends loved the Orchids post we have decided to focus on the phrase: Floriculture.

    As usual let us chat and share Please invite your friends to like and stand a chance to win a surprise gift!

    Just tag your friends, ask them to like our page and we will have a draw at the end of the week!

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  • Anynomous
    06 August 2018

    We are having something special on 18th August from 15:00-19:00!! More info soon soon soon to come! Save the date!

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  • Anynomous
    04 August 2018

    One of the best parts of a market day is when people would like to see our greenhouse with the orchids, I just love to show them around and have a reason to go in there myself. It's Orchid paradise . You can choose your Orchid directly in the greenhouse if you like and we pot it for you right away. We often heard now from Orchid enthusiasts that our orchids are just amazing, bigger than usual and have more flowers. It's actually amazing what happens to the Orchid enthusiast when you open the door to the greenhouse, pure joy to watch for me. Of our two varieties Phalaenopsis Orchid and Antelope type dendropbium Orchid you will find the second one only at Shalom.

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  • Anynomous
    04 August 2018

    Good Morning! We already have lovely weather out here, the brunch buffet is stacked with delicious goodies and we are so excited for you to join us here! We wish you all a great weekend!

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