Tuesday night The prophetic so sweet like a rushing wind Non- believers became believers Don't believe in the lie of the devil ! #2018territorialabundance
It is the season of clarity ! Be there make it count ! #2018focus #2018territorialabundance
It was good to be praying alongside our dear @daniel&Tabitha Goagoseb today we believe in prayer. Watch Gods hand moving
The more you use your God given gift the more hunger and sin flees from you you are gifted to serve the body of Christ ! Don't fear people #saynotowicketness #2018territorialabundance
A sunday you shall testify about
Let's do this together ! #2018
Tuesday's of excellence You are what God says you are ! Give yourself to prayer ! #life #2018teritorialabundance
Don't miss your Miracle..
Wisdom is a principal thing ! It is an shield ! May you find wisdom this week to correct your mistakes and acquire wealth ! #wisdom #life
How wonderful is your name O God ! Thank you for loving us #intemacywithHisgrace #excellence
When everything said no Jesus said Yes What a church to be part of #life #2018territorialabundance @ Otjiwarongo Town Square