Omaruru Constituency is located at Omaruru, Namibia
Omaruru is a constituency in the Erongo Region of central-eastern Namibia. Its district capital is the city of Omaruru.PoliticsIn the 2010 regional elections, SWAPO's Uparura Michael Tjirare won the constituency with 1,102 votes. The defeated challengers were Josef Landuleni Nangolo of the Rally for Democracy and Progress (RDP, 570 votes), Lisken Noabes of the United Democratic Front (UDF, 398 votes) and John Tjiuongua of the Congress of Democrats (CoD, 96 votes).The 2015 regional elections were won by Johannes Tuhafeni Hamutenya of SWAPO with 1,420 votes. Christiaan Nanuseb of UDF came second with 678 votes, Sanna Sofia Paulus of the Democratic Turnhalle Alliance (DTA) received 348 votes, and Vincent Isboset Kahua of National Unity Democratic Organisation (NUDO) received 282.
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Added by
Jopie, at 01 January 2020