We managed to score 75%... Not bad though
Down the memories line. Two years back we lost this brave boy. Continue resting in peace Gerson Shifidi.
Ladies soccer... U 15 and U 17 girls at training today
Omakondo C.S wishing you a very good rainy weekend. Enjoy mother bature 's offer.
Hon councilor Lonia Shinana Oshikunde Constituency delivering the keynote address
Happening... The senior officer in the Ministry of Gender Mrs Lydia Shipuata delivering the Ministry's speech
Captions #womenday
Omakondo C.S. cultural troupe entertaining the crowds .... #womenday
Happening now.... Deacon Emilia Nangolo giving the voice of women.
Omakondo C.S hosting the regional event: wmimen' s day.
Standing out on your agenda
Grooming future leaders
Captions during LRC manifesto
2nd Candidate for Headboy ... Hashali Benhard.
Job a.k.a "Shipululo" Tuufilwa presenting his manifestation for Headboy.
Happening now... LRC Manifestations taking pkace
Proud of Omakondo CS
School soccer team at training