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Namibia Christian Student Association is located at 2748 Theo Wyngaardt Street, Khomasdal, Windhoek, Namibia. They can be contacted via phone at +2648169494430, visit their website www.ncsa.com for more detailed information.

"God is pirsuing with omnipotent passion a worldwide purpose of gathering joyful worshipers for Himself from every tribe and tongue and people and nation.

Tags : #ReligiousOrganization

Location :
2748 Theo Wyngaardt Street, Khomasdal, Windhoek
Added by Jopie, at 01 January 2020

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We want to Help:

Helping communities uphold sustainable programs and projects to create a long lasting effect and in the end a ripple effect.
We aim to involve public as well as private sectors in the empowerment of our community nationally and internationally.
We are called to Love:

We are here to prove that no matter your age, circumstance, ethnic background, shape or size you are able to make not only a small difference but the worlds difference if you have God leading your way.

Our Believes are:
We believe in God. The Almighty Father Creator of life, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.
We believe in touching the lives of nations through the Word of our Holy Father.
We believe in refusing passivity and believe in taking actions. Making the Impossible POSSIBLE.

Our Values:
• Respect
• Unity
• Honesty
• Excellence in integrity
• Action motivated
• Focusing of God and our people.
• Living the word and motivating communities and nations.

The spending of funds will be confined to a board of approved programs and projects and controlled by an approved board, which will be appointed by the International Director and the board of the specific country.
Strict control over funds will be held, by local and the international governing body of NCSA. Once a program or organization is successfully launched it will be left in the hands of a carefully picked board of individuals located in that specific community. All programs and projects will be obligated to follow the rules and regulations of NCSA.
If a project or organization fails at complying with these rules and regulations it will be discontinued immediately, a disciplinary hearing will follow for the individuals who were responsible.
All projects will be run and aimed in the light of God and the Christian religion will be freely expressed as well as taught to all individuals who chose to be associated with NCSA.
All gifts as well as donations will strictly be handled by the same financial board and provided to programs and organizations where needs are most desperate.
Inspections of all organizations and projects will commence every 3 months. All inspections will be done without prior date or time being provided.

We aim to create not only new and enriched programs but to involve as many as possible established organizations as well.
We’re creating the structure and unity needed between all charity, community and Christian organizations. Creating one structure one aim and in the end making the change together as one and not struggling as separate smaller organizations.

Leading the nation into light…

Please note: This document is not to be used by any other organization than NCSA. This document is not the official business plan or contract of NCSA but just used as informative for individuals interested in NCSA.

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