Find more information about Welwitschia - Education Initiative for Namibia here:
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Here you can find all basic information you need for finding and applying for anything you want to do:
* A page where you can find several job descriptios
* Do you want to apply directly for a job? This is the right website
* Websites where you find all kinds of job offers
* A website where you can find jobs and place your own jobseeking description
* Create your job application and apply for an offer with only one click
* A description how to apply for the Namibia Students Financial Assistance Fund
* The Institute For Open Learning is a distance education institute mainly offering business and information technology courses
* The website of the University of Namibia
* The website of the Polytechnic of Namibia
* Commercial Advancement Training Scheme integrates theoretical learning with that of practical experience within the workplace
NAMFISA is having an opportunity for a GRADUATE SYSTEMS DEVELOPER
We are looking for a Graduate Systems Developer for temporary work - a period of up to 3 months.
Requirements; - A Diploma/ Degree in Information Technology or Computer Science or Software Engineering - Should be very conversant in PHP, .Net, JavaScript, HTML, MySql/ SQL Databases and modern Web Development Technologies - Should be a programmer, and a very analytical problem solver. - Should have passion for highly technical web applications development technologies
Kindly forward your qualifications and CV to:
Deadline: Friday, July 6th 2018
Good evening there's an internship opportunity at CRAN
Hope you can zoom in and read this internship opportunities
Good morning been a while
Very important from Nsfaf
Scholarships AVAILABLE for studies in CUBA
Welwitschia and FreeYourMind presents the Namibia-German youth project. We hope you can zoom in and see.