
A three-day conference in Windhoek where media experts and practitioners from Africa and Europe will explore the opportunities that mobile technologies provide for media and social development in Africa.

Tags : #Community

Location :
Fidel Castro Street 5, Windhoek


During the three-day conference media experts and practitioners, journalists and programmers from eight African countries as well as from Europe will explore the opportunities that mobile technologies provide for media and social development in Africa.
This conference will be more than people coming together and listening to each other’s presentations: The “Mashup Conference Design” will provide a unique structure for exchange, interaction, lively debates and most importantly room for prototyping of ideas.
“We would like to open-up the space for an active and participative process of creating approaches, designs and formats that use the power of mobile media to overcome challenges that we face in our societies or our organizations. This is what we call Open Space for Development”
Dani Leese, Country Representative, DW Akademie Namibia Office
The first day is to share experiences and gather knowledge about mobile media. On the second day, the Open Space for Development begins. This is where attendees take over the programme, engage in a creative process to innovatively develop ideas, projects, products. The third day is all about presentation and feedback – summing up and looking at your results.
Apart from the fully packed conference schedule, attendees can expect a varied frame programme for the evenings. Full day participation is required. Sustenance will be provided throughout the conference.
We hope you are as excited about this conference as we are!

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