Name:Embassy Of Congo BrazzavilleOffice:DiplomaticCountry:CGDiplomatic:Embassy. [read more]
Name:Cassia ThaiPhone:+264 81 703 2730Amenity:RestaurantCuisine:ThaiOpening Hours:10:00-22:00. [read more]
Name:Sun Karros Lifestyle Resort Daan ViljoenTourism:Camp SiteAn area where people can camp overnight using tents, camper vans or caravans. . [read more]
Name:Agra Safari DenShop:OutdoorPhone:+264612909294. [read more]
Name:City WindscreenShop:Car Repair. [read more]
Name:Powerflow Exhaust And TyresShop:Car RepairPhone:+264 61 302 620Addr Street:Jan Jonker Weg. [read more]
Name:GamsbergpassMountain Pass:Yes. [read more]
Name:Nissan NamibiaShop:Car. [read more]
Name:Central Government StoresOffice:GovernmentAn office of a (supra)national, regional or local government agency or departmentGovernment:Customs. [read more]
Name:Dynamic ViewsDescription:Accommodation. [read more]
Name:Safari World ToursAddr City:WindhoekAddr Street:Lafrenz, Sun Industries, WarehouseDescription:Safari World Tours Is A DynamicTravel And Tourism Company That Primarily Focuses On Holidays.. [read more]
Name:Chicago’sAmenity:BarOpening Hours:Mo-Su 07:00-02:00. [read more]
Name:East End WorkshopShop:Car Repair. [read more]
Name:Embassy Of The Democratic Republic Of CongoOffice:DiplomaticCountry:CDEmbassy:ResidenceName Fr:Ambassade De La République Démocratique Du CongoDiplomatic:Embassy. [read more]
Name:Trophäendienst TaxidermyCraft:HandicraftA place where useful and decorative devices are made completely by hand or using only simple tools. [read more]
Name:Spes BonesAmenity:Car Wash. [read more]
Name:Xenia AccomodationTourism:Guest HouseAccommodation smaller than a hotel and typically owner-operated, such as bed&breakfasts etc. Internet Access:Wlan. [read more]
Name:Bushmen Farm CampgroundTourism:Camp SiteAn area where people can camp overnight using tents, camper vans or caravans. . [read more]
Ele:1380Name:Saag Mountain (Saagberg)Natural:PeakThe top (summit) of a hill or mountain. Wikipedia:De:Datei:Saagberg Namibia (2018). jpg. [read more]
Name:Nauaspoort MountainsPlace:LocalityA named place that has no population. . [read more]
Ele:1756Name:Mount OnjalaNatural:PeakThe top (summit) of a hill or mountain. . [read more]
Name:WB Supermarkets KatuturaShop:Supermarket. [read more]
Name:Namibian Breastmilk BankOffice:NgoAn office for a non-profit, non-governmental organisation (NGO). Website:Https://www. nbmb. com. naAddr City:Windhoek. [read more]
Name:Gospel Truth Ministry International ChurchAmenity:Place Of WorshipReligion:Christian. [read more]
Name:Lux Auto RepairsShop:Car RepairWebsite:Https://lux-auto-repairs. business. site. [read more]
Name:RR ImportersShop:Electronics. [read more]
Name:Villa Vista GuesthouseTourism:HotelHotel - an establishment that provides paid lodging. [read more]
Name:Embassy Of ZimbabweOffice:DiplomaticTarget:ZWCountry:ZWEmbassy:EmbassyAddr City:WindhoekDiplomatic:EmbassyAddr Street:Grimm St. [read more]
Name:La MarmiteAmenity:RestaurantCuisine:African. [read more]
Bar:YesName:Omaanda LodgeBrand:Zannier HotelsEmail:Info@omaanda. comPhone:+264 (0) 81 145 53 61Rooms:10Stars:5Tourism:HotelHotel - an establishment that provides paid lodgingWebsite:Http://www. [read more]
Name:Genesis FitnessSport:GymnasticsGymnasticsSport:FitnessFitness sportsLeisure:Fitness CentreFitness centre, health club or gym with exercise machines, fitness classes or both, for exercise. [read more]
Name:Katu Tours OfficeOffice:CompanyAn office of a private companyWebsite:Https://www. katutours. com. [read more]
Name:Emona OfficeOffice:YesGeneric tag for unspecified office type. . [read more]
Name:Georgito’s PlaceTourism:ApartmentA furnished apartment or flat with cooking and bathroom facilities that can be rented for holiday vacations. Addr Street:Taurus StreetAddr Housenumber:214. [read more]
Name:Basketball Artists SchoolEmail:Info@basketball-artists. comOffice:NgoAn office for a non-profit, non-governmental organisation (NGO). Website:Http://basketball-artists. [read more]
Name:Guniea Fowl River View GuestflatPhone:+264812545382Tourism:HotelHotel - an establishment that provides paid lodgingInternet Access:Wlan. [read more]