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Karas Livestock Company is located at farm 96, Keetmanshoop, Namibia

We breed NGUNI cows and bulls and Persian sheep, blinkhar Afrikaners and Dorper sheep. www.karaslivestock.com

Tags : #UrbanFarm, #AgriculturalCooperative

Location :
farm 96, Keetmanshoop

Added by Jopie, at 21 April 2015


Why with all discrimination against the Nguni’s small size do we persevere in farming with them- because there rewards.
In an arid environment, not knowing when rain fall will come, it is necessary to partner with an animal that can take the punch.
Through good and bad times, the Nguni has rewarded us with excellent fertility statistics,
With an Almost perfect survival rate of offspring and low costs associated with keeping the healthy apart from discrimination factor applied by the market the Nguni has proven to be a pleasure to farm with rewarding us with their placid behaviour, beauty, social behaviour and peace of mind. These animals are fertile and calve easily with mothers protective of their offspring and survive whatever nature throws at them as they are disease and parasite resistant.
We will have our work cut out for us to establish a market for the high quality beef albeit from a smaller carcass. That’s why we farm with Nguni’s.

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10 Reviews

  • Anynomous
    28 September 2015

    Warlock, fearless and feisty, he is certainly a force to be reckoned with, although he has such a gentle soul, he protects and defends his cows with poise and ease. Looking forward to seeing this Bull mature into a brilliant Stud.

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  • Anynomous
    21 August 2015

    NGUNI ASSOCIATION INFORMATION AND PROMOTION DAY- Goibib Mountain Lodge, in the hart of the magnificent Karas Mountains

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  • Anynomous
    21 August 2015

    WHAT A SUCCESSFUL DAY, FULL OF FUN AND EXCITING INFORMATION IT WAS.EKOTI CRAFTS made sure that there was gorgeous NGUNI souvenirs and the EXPERTS made sure that everyone's questions were answered and the Goibib Mountain Lodge staff provided juicy meals and a comfortable setting for this event. A big thank you to the Nguni Association of Namibia for selecting Karas Livestock Company to be the host for this year's event!

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  • Anynomous
    06 August 2015

    The excitement s building up as we count down the days till the NGUNI ASSOCIATION OF NAMIBIA will be at Farm Goibib.

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  • Anynomous
    05 August 2015

    The Sheep are still enjoying the chill of winter passing slowly, new developments are soon to come. The farm is excited to be hosting the NGUNI ASSOCIATION'S NGUNI INFORMATION PROMO DAY at farm Goibib, on the 11th August 2015. Join us for an unforgettable exsperience!

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  • Anynomous
    27 July 2015

    The time is almost here, we are so excited. 11 August will be a day full of suprises and souverneirs from these magnificent animals

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  • Anynomous
    13 July 2015

    Een van ons suksesvolste STOET BULLE, met n persoonlkheid wat enige mens sal laat wonder, wat als gaan in n NGUNI bul se verstand aan? Hoe intelligent is hul regtig? EL TORRO, het karakter, is glad nie bang vir uitdagings nie, verdeedig sy koeie en kalwers met n briee bors en handhaaf orde in sy trop op n baie streng manier. Beslis n interessante dier om dop te hou.

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  • Anynomous
    13 July 2015

    Even in the harsh, dry,cold occasionally taken over by cloudy days, misty mornings and rainy nights, the NGUNI comfortably survives, breeds and grazes in a drought struck southern NAMIBIA.

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  • Anynomous
    05 May 2015

    The young bulls putting up a show to impress us, soon to be groomed as STUDDS, what a year its going to be!

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  • Anynomous
    28 April 2015

    gorgeous cattle, they are in breeding season, and we are looking forward to this Christmas

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