Fighting the winter blues. If autumn and winter are the seasons that see you being moody, with problems to get out of bed, no energy to have a social life after work, no patience with your kids or clients, then you should try SCELETIUM, the 'make you happy' plant, grown in Namibia. SCELETIUM tortuosum helps to overcome mood swings and mild depression, it assists in times of stress, helps to concentrate better and is even working wonderful for children with ADHD.
For more info on the product and/or outlets where you can get it in Namibia, please send us an email to:
Our exciting new products for 2018 Coming soon - KIGELIA africana. The fruit pulp of the sausge tree helps against all sorts of ulcers, inside and outside, as well as against sun burn and skin cancer.
Wishing all our esteemed clients and friends a wonderful Christmas and a peaceful 2018! Please remember to look after your health also in the New Year and make your health and happiness a priority!
Stay healthy and fit all year round! MORINGA oleifera, the superfood. Helps against more than 300 ailments and boosts your energy, while making sure you can sleep well. Can also assist with weight gain in the case of a too fast metabolism and/or stress.
Did you know that you can get our products now at outlets both in Windhoek as well as Swakopmund? Windhoek - Old Power Station Centre//HAIR AFFAIR... - Bougainvilla Centre// Andrea's Beauty Salon, first floor
Swakopmund - Bonusmakr Platz //Natural Namibia Shop//Nara
See MoreMORINGA oleifera Very effective in fighting cancer. Add it to your diet to get the nutrients you need to fight the deadly desease.
Have you heard of MORINGA?
MORINGA oleifera is a nutrient and antioxidant-rich plant from India. For centuries, it has been used in these regions to treat a wide range of diseases from epilepsy to diabetes.
Here are 12 amazing reasons why moringa is good for your health:... 1. ENERGY BOOSTER The energy provided by moringa is not the chaotic excitement of caffeine, but rather a soothing, clarifying vigor 2. HEADACHE SOOTHER. Rubbing moringa leaves directly on the temples to soothe the most blistering of headaches. 3. MANAGE DIABETE.Ingesting the juice from moringa leaves can help control blood glucose levels. 4. DIUERETIC. If you are in need of a diuretic, we recommend drinking moringa mixed with carrot juice. 5. PREVENT CANCER. oringa contains a compound known as niaziminin that is both antitumor and anti-cancer. The leaf has so much promise in the realm of cancer, it is being researched for use in chemotherapy. 6. LIVER CLEANSE. The leaf could be used in bitters formulas because it helps cleanse the liver. 7. FIGHT OBESITY. Moringa has properties that could help in the fight against obesity and the complications that come with being overweight. These include reducing high blood pressure, lowering cholesterol, and eliminating water weight. 8. MANAGE DEPRESSION. Moringa leaf powder can be used to treat depression symptoms. It is most effective when used regularly and results can be felt after just a few days of use. 9. SUPPORT NEW MOTHERS. Moringa has a high concentration of iron and calcium. This makes it a wonderful nutrient supplement for pregnant and breast-feeding mothers. 10. HEAL WOUNDS.. Apply moringa powder directly to minor cuts and wounds to promote healing and prevent scars. 11. PREVENT AGEING. The antioxidants and vitamins in moringa can fight the effects of aging, these include unwanted lines and wrinkles. 11. PREVENT AGEING. The antioxidants and vitamins in moringa can fight the effects of aging, hese include unwanted lines and wrinkles.
See MoreMORINGA - Superfood Today more important than ever. Prevents and assists against MALNUTRITION. Works well to prevent deficits in nutrition for VEGANS.
Here is a video featuring our farm, where we grow the medicinal plants. Enjoy!