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Happy Souls Gathering is located at 7313, 9000 Walvis Bay, Namibia. They can be contacted via phone at +264816229853 for more detailed information.

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Tags : #ReligiousOrganization

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7313, 9000 Walvis Bay
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Added by Jopie, at 24 June 2018

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9 Reviews

  • Anynomous
    20 August 2018

    Test every spirit before you believe and receive for many Come in the name of the Lord

    But they only come to deceive and destroy

    Matthew 24:24

    We Re in the Last days

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  • Anynomous
    18 August 2018

    Jesus is Coming Very Soon

    This Time can't be wasted. After the Rapture not everyone will stand those Tribulations [Revelation 13] 666

    Repent Brethrens READ THE WORD JOSHUA 1:1-8 and do the will of Jesus

    I pray for everyone in the name of Jesus to be touched by this message and do the will of God

    In the name of the Father ,the Son and the Holy Spirit


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  • Anynomous
    17 August 2018

    Job 22:28

    God promise to establish every declaration that comes out of our mouth

    I declare •Salvation upon your family •More Grace and Favour •Healing upon your Family •Deliverance • Wisdom

    Receive it Have Faith it's done

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  • Anynomous
    01 August 2018

    It is written that God cannot do anything without his prophets. And he said he will put words in their mouth to speak to the nations.

    Here is enough evidence when God spoke to our Moses of today Prophet Rein Katemo about the nation Namibia.

    He spoke about a leader going to pass on and trully the prophesy came to pass.

    He also spoke about an artist that is going to die, and behold brethren the prophecy came to pass.

    We serve a God that sees beyond human eyes.

    Wherever you are, I just want to build up your faith when a man of God prophecy in your life receive it with faith, because it is God speaking inside him.

    Lets keep praying for NAMIBIA

    May the Lords name be Glorified

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  • Anynomous
    01 August 2018

    Do you understand the power of making a declaration to your life?The bible says power of life and death is in the tongue [Proverbs 18:21] and whatever I declare and speak in God's ears,He will do to me [ Numbers14:28]. What are you declaring for your life?

    Comment your declaration and God shall do it for you.


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  • Anynomous
    31 July 2018

    From today onwards,when you begin to move,demons will tremble.The Holy Ghost lives in you,you are a giant in the Spirit. A terror to the devil.

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  • Anynomous
    30 July 2018

    The Lord your God who has taken you out of Egypt is about to answer your prayer Believe that he is going to do it for you

    A testimony is coming your way this week Type amen #share

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  • Anynomous
    23 July 2018

    We from Happy Souls Gathering Ministry invite you to our three most powerful services Which you can never miss Wednesday is a service of Angelic Visitation Whereby the Angel of God can speak or visit you Friday is a service of prosperity Where you wil prosper in every Conner of you life Sunday is a service of worshipping God Do not mis it for anything God is stil speaking Join us for more info contact the numbers under


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  • Anynomous
    01 July 2018


    Daniel was a faithful servant. He did not worship any other god but the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

    Daniel was a minister, working with jealous people. Someone wanted the position of Daniel, so they made every effort to eliminate him. But they were busy with the wrong person. Daniel used to pray 3 times a day and Gods favour was upon him.

    His co-workers falsely accused him to the king. Until the king issued a decree that everyone must worship him for 30 days only. Daniel worshiped only the living God. It went on until they threw him in the lions den. But God of Daniel is mighty. He sent angels and shut the mouths of the lions.

    Today God is going to rescue your from that den you are in. Den of poverty. Den of anti marriage Den of limitations Den of delay In the name of Jesus Christ.

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