Very nice, beautiful place, the service we got there was excellent
Wow!! One of the best parts of our visit to Namibia
Went here to camp for a night, the price was 150 NAD per person. The camp sites don't have water or electricity but both can be found from the reception at the entrance. There is a restaurant, which is surprisingly not expensive, but the food is not great. I'd advise to bring your own food and coals.
Lindo. Teste seu GPS antes de vir aqui. Muitas estradas
El Spitzkoppe, el "cervino de Namibia", es un grupo de picos de granito que se elevan destacamente sobre la planicie que los rodea. El pico más alto alcanza los 1784 msnm.
Hay muestras de arte bosquimano en las rocas de la zona.
Favourite place in Namibia!