Piet's Biltong offers a variety of fresh and processed meat products. Visit our padstal after hours and Sundays for a snack and refreshments.
Month end special: Beef Briskit - n$57,96/kg Beef Chuck - n$57,96/kg Beef Stew - n$52,44/kg Value Boerewors - n$42,00/kg... Value Mince - n$40,50/kg Mutton Carcass - n$69/kg Mutton Chops (Mixed) - n$75/kg
Ends Saturday 30 June!!!!
See MorePerfectly aged, free range Namibian beef!!! So reg vir die kole soos dit kan kom!!!
Net wat ons wil hoor!!
Belangrike wenk vir 'n wenner steak: Drink nog 'n vinnige dop voor jy hom beet pak na jy gebraai het!!
So bietjie kunswerk bygevoeg vandag!!!
Awesome work Richard Grant!!! Thanks for the effort on such a busy day as today! This piece gives so much energy to the room, and brightens our reception area up superbly. Contact Frametique if you would like works of art like these to decorate your business interior. The profesionalism is worth it, and I am sure that it will impact my business hugely!!
Dear Customer, You will start noticing some changes at Piet's Biltong, and one of the main changes is the name!!!! In line with the trends, and also due to technical reasons, change was inevitable. I am proud to introduce to you: Baardbek Biltong & Butchery!!! Piet's Biltong's legend will live on in our mouth watering recipes and friendly service, only under a new brand. Do take note that everything remains as is. Same place, same people, same management - new look. Some of the changes will happen gradually and you will still see some of Piet's Biltong graphics as we phase in, so do not worry at all. We look forward to welcoming you either back, or for the first time!!!
Reg vir Paasnaweek braai!!
To all our loyal customers, please note that lines and phone services are currently off in Okahandja, therefore our Speedpoint systems and telephones are also down. If you are planning to stop by today, please make arrangements to have some cash in hand. Any inconvenience is highly regretted!!!
It's dry..but you can eat it!!!
The Padstal @ Piet's will be open untill 18:30 today for a padkossie on your travels. Don't celebrate our Independence day without filling up first. Happy Independence day Namibia!! #namibiaindependenceday
Hierdie is 'n gulde geleentheid om jou Ou Yster vir 'n uitstappie te vat. Moet dit nie misloop nie!! 1000km oor 'n pragtige gedeelte van Namibië kan net lekker wees. Rough & Tough rally - vind gerus meer inligting op hulle facebook blad ook. Alles gaan vir 'n goeie doel!! Manage Like · Reply · 1m
Lekker klein lammers nou ingekry. N$98,50/kg. Karkasse weeg almal rondom 10kg
Hiersit alweer lekker!!