HOTEL COMFORT is a lodging, located at Avenida 25 de Junho, Quelimane. [read more]
Great care is taken to ensure guests experience comfort through top-notch services and amenities. Remain linked during your visit by utilizing the complimentary internet access available. [read more]
Residêncial Baitulaman is a lodging, located at Quelimane, Zambezia, 2400. [read more]
Monte Verde Motel is a lodging, located at EN 103, Vila Junqueiro, Zambezia, 2407. [read more]
O Delta Residêncial is a lodging, located at EN224, Quelimane, Zambezia, 2400. [read more]
Pensão Bianca is a lodging, located at EN1, Mocuba, Zambezia, 2403. [read more]
Residêncial Candi is a lodging, located at Quelimane, Zambezia, 2400. [read more]
Cvacva Lodge is a lodging, located at Mopeia, Zambezia, 2413. [read more]
Alojamento Rosa is a lodging, located at Mocuba, Zambezia, 2403. [read more]
Student Housing is a lodging, located at Morrumbala, Zambezia, 2409. [read more]
Venus Guest House is a lodging, located at EN1, Mocuba, Zambezia, 2403. [read more]
Students Hostels is a lodging, located at Mocuba, Zambezia, 2403. [read more]
Housing for Road Construction People is a lodging, located at EN7, Milange, Zambezia, 2410. [read more]
Zalala Lodge is a lodging, located at Avenida 1 de Junho, Quelimane, Zambezia, 2400. [read more]
Mabassa is a lodging, located at Quelimane, Zambezia, 2400. [read more]
Pastor's House Rest Camp is a lodging, located at EN 103, Lioma, Zambezia, 2407. [read more]
Elite Guest House VIP is a lodging, located at Quelimane, Zambezia, 2400. [read more]
Port Nac is a beautiful hotel on the outskirts of Ile-Errego, Zamézia. Port Nac é uma bela pensão nos arredores de Ile-Errego, Zambézia. . [read more]
Likoma Island is the larger of two inhabited islands in Lake Malawi (also known as Lake Nyasa), in East Africa, the smaller being the nearby Chizumulu. [read more]
Ликома — бо́льший из двух обитаемых островов на озере Ньяса, вблизи от побережья Мозамбика, но.. [read more]
A ilha Likoma é a maior das ilhas Likoma no lago Niassa. Embora rodeada por águas territoriais de Moçambique, pertence ao Malawi e faz parte do distrito de Likoma (com a ilha de Chizumulu). [read more]
L'île de Likoma est la plus grande des deux îles du lac Malawi (l'autre étant celle de Chizumulu). Bien qu'enclavée dans les eaux territoriales du Mozambique, elle appartient au Malawi, les.. [read more]
リコマ島(Likoma Island)は、マラウイ北部州のリコマ県に属する、マラウイ湖に浮かぶ島である。リコマ県は2つの島によって構成され、このうちの大きいほうがリコマ島、小さいほうがチズムル島である。概要リコマ島は、 東方に見えるモザンビーク領土から18. 7キロメートルの場所に位置し、周囲は完全にモザンビークの領海に囲まれていることから、マラウイの飛び領土となっている。これは、イギリスがマラウイを1891年にニヤサランドとして保護領化する際に、モザンビークを植民地化していたポルトガルと所有権をめぐる議論を行った際、マラウイで熱心に布教活動を行っていた聖公会の宣教師がリコマ島に教会を建設していたことがイギリスの実効支配の根拠となって、リコマ島がチズムル島とともにニヤサランドに編入されたことに由来する。島内の人口は約9000人であり、経済活動の一環として漁業と多少の農業を行っているが、全体としては食糧のほとんどをマラウイ本土からの輸入に依存している。また、電気が来ているものの、燃料を節約するために大抵の場合22時までしか使用できない。さらに、島内の舗装されていない道路にはわずかな台数の自動車が走ってはいるものの、目的地へは徒歩で向かうのが現実的である。特筆すべき点としては、かなりの大きさの岩石で造られた大聖堂の存在がある。この建物はリコマ市街地にあり、1903年から建造が始められ、1911年に聖ペトロへ捧げられた、アフリカで最も大きい教会の1つである。なお、島への訪問者の宿泊施設として、島内にはホテルとバックパッカー向けのホステルの両方がある。. [read more]
利科馬島(Likoma Island)是東非東南部國家馬拉維的島嶼,由利科馬縣負責管轄,是馬拉維湖中兩個有人居住的島嶼之一,面積18平方公里,比面積3平方公里的奇茲姆盧島較大,島上人口約9,000。. [read more]
Bem-vindo ao sistema de segurança sempre presente, a fonte de alimentação durante todo o dia, o sono confortável. [read more]
Residêncial Modesta is a lodging, located at EN7, Quelimane, Zambézia, 2400. [read more]
Pensão Quelimane is a lodging, located at EN7, Quelimane, Zambézia, 2400. [read more]
Complexo Hoteleiro Muassi Kanuma is a lodging, located at Quelimane, Zambezia, 2400. [read more]
Plama Lodge Vip is a lodging, located at Mocuba, Zambezia, 2403. [read more]
Pensão Salimo Rodrigues is a lodging, located at EN1, Mocuba, Zambezia, 2403. [read more]
Residêncial O Viajante is a lodging, located at EN1, Cidade de Mocuba, Zambézia, 2403. [read more]
O Milénio Hotel -Quelimane Você é a nossa preferência e nós a sua escolha certa. [read more]
Paraíso Temporário Lodge é um estabelecimento localizado na localidade de Namacata. Situado a 11 Km da Cidade de Quelimane, pela Estrada Nacional nr 7. [read more]
Situated in stunning Southern Mozambique, Jay's Pro Dive Centre offers world class diving in an unforgettable location www. jaysprodive. com. [read more]
Casa de Hospedes Januário & Serviços. Lda e e uma empresa que se dedica a aluguer de quartos. estamos na cidade de Quelimane na rua Emilia Dausse. . [read more]
A residencial Primavera oferece a verdadeira hospitalidade mocambicana residencial primavera offers a true mozambican hospitality & comfort. for more information Email us: residencial. [read more]