
In a market where different was scarce we hope to deliver beautiful delicious food with your eyes and your taste buds in mind, enhancing each dish making you the star of the room and leave a lasting impression.

Tags : #Caterer, #FoodserviceDistributor

Location :
Rua José Mateus, 00258 Maputo
Contacts :


Founded in 2013, Sublime is the blossom of a food affair that began many years ago by owner and manager Sofia Dias in her grandmother's kitchen where flavors and spices surround the ambiance. Along side with her aunt and collaborators she brings the joy and heart friends regularly found at her place when sharing meals and goodtimes.It is this warmth and flavor that they want to give to others.

5 Reviews

  • Anynomous
    10 August 2023

    Lavar com bicarbonato de soda e elimina-se a maioria dos micróbios e pesticidas

  • Anynomous
    22 May 2023



  • Anynomous
    22 April 2023

    Para quem adora bacon

  • Anynomous
    20 April 2023

    Dica super fácil e as bebidas Ficam com uma apresentação incrível

  • Anynomous
    07 April 2023

    Supremo de batata