I'm love you Mozambique
quick and painless crossing on a Sunday afternoon.
Becourse ida a nice place to be.
It is double lots of people sometimes.well in one hand or other hand a person must pass though here to South Africa.
A lot could be done to improve this border. Having crossed this many times, what is needed is always a little different. Sometimes you ate given a gate pass as you first enter in the car. Sometimes you are ignored and need to ask or they do not have any. You will want to ask no matter what though. I have been turned around in the past.
Also signs on where to park and where to go would really help when it gets busy. But if you stay calm there is enough information to get you where you need to go. There is also a VIP area by the duty free stores. But, it is only for people with diplomatic passports.
Be very careful. See the Facebook Drivemoz group for details.
There arw so many guys trying to sell you small fire extinguishers, triangles and high visibility vests for exhorbatent prices. The signage is confusing or non existant to guide a traveller through the process. And any helping hand may cost you R100 or more. Thanks to kindness of fellow travellers we got through it.
Horrific experience. The extortion that goes on there on the Mozambican side of the border is disgusting. Always have the right papers for everything. They're very rude and just want money for everything.
On Za its nice, but in Mozambique its terrible. Felt very insecure about the officers.
A bit difficult to get through if one down not understand Portuguese. Helpful officials make the process very easy and quick. It gets very hot and queues sometimes extend outside so one needs to have lots of sunscreen
The SA side has a better system for processing lots of people when it gets crowded. The Moz side not so much. It can get very very crowded here sometimes taking hours to cross. It does not help to arive here early as this is the trend with most people. Better to cross the border during the middle of the day.