MOZSHAQ Consultoria e Serviços is a genuinely Mozambican capital company that offers integrated consulting, training, auditing and outsourcing solutions in Health, Safety, Environment and Quality. [read more]
A tecnologia que cuida de ti: Através da inovação da Telemedicina, tornamos possível levar até ti, seja onde estiver, plataformas online e aplicativos que promovem orientação de saúde médica. [read more]
Trazendo soluções de qualidade na indústria de construção, MCC lda. , foca-se em incrementar seus investimentos e liderar a competição preservando o bom-nome da Engenharia Civil. [read more]
A coragem revela-se quando as pessoas trazem a sua paixão para alcançar o excepcional. Este é o espírito de independência, nascido na Mafalala e capturado numa cerveja de qualidade.. [read more]
A company under Mozambican law, whose goal is the design, implementation and operation of electronic sealing and cargo tracking systems using information and communication technologies. [read more]
Our scope of work comprises the following activities:● Preparation of architectural projects;● Interior decoration and landscaping;● Preparation of engineering projects;● Supervision.. [read more]
MOZ GAS SANMARG LDA, MOZAMBIQUEA registered subsidiary of SANMARG Projects Pvt Ltd (India) in Mozambique to extend SANMARG services to Mozambique and other African markets. [read more]
A Mais Humano Coaching, é uma emprea moçambicana de consultoriaem áreas sociais, análise comportamental, coaching e treinamentos. Firmemente comprometida em promover a evolução e.. [read more]
Mozambique Oil & Gas is the home of Oil & Gas industry professionals in Mozambique, SADC and Africa in general. We thank you for the time spent with us in this page and its associated website(s). [read more]
Our area of activity was directed and developed with the objective of offering a specialized and specific service, both for the company and for the professional, offering agility, competence.. [read more]
Somos uma entidade Moçambicana, independente e de referência, com acção e perspectiva original num âmbito nacional e internacional, na produção, recolha, disseminação, e comercialização.. [read more]
We offer innovative insurance products that guarantee the protection, stability and development of our customers. . [read more]
MCT was founded in June 1986, initially providing ambient and refrigerated warehouse storage. Over time, the company developed into other fields of the logistics supply chain, adding port.. [read more]
Our purpose is to manufacture furniture that not only is appealing to the eye, but is also functional and aligns to our customer's lifestyles. We believe that wooden furniture is a form of art.. [read more]
Matéria-Prima is a project whose objective is to develop three business lines in the areas of Arts and Crafts Creative Workshops, Graphic Design and Communication, and Organization and Management.. [read more]
Brand Design Consultancy. [read more]
The mission of the Mozambican Red Cross is to contribute to improving the living conditions of the most vulnerable populations by preventing and alleviating human suffering by mobilizing resources.. [read more]
Somos uma Agência Moçambicana de Inteligência Comercial, que reestruturou a forma de apresentação dos Serviços de Gestão Empresarial a fim de tornar estes compreensíveis para os empreendedores. [read more]
Company name: MDCom Communications and Logistics, ldaEmail: mdcom. grouplda2000@gmail. com/fnduri@gmail. comPhone: +258 84 322 1449/50NUIT: 400699038/400587310Company Status: Operational/.. [read more]
Trade, Storage, Logistics and Retail of Petroleum Products. . [read more]
Com sólidos alicerces centenários e uma visão objectiva no futuro, a Minerva Print está presente no mercado com uma das mais actuais e competentes infraestruturas de indústria gráfica em Moçambique. [read more]
Moçambique Telecom, SA, comercialmente designada por Tmcel, é o resultado do processo de fusão das empresas Telecomunicações de Moçambique, SA (TDM) e Moçambique Celular, SA (mcel). [read more]
MODET – Sociedade Moçambicana de Detergentes Limitada, é líder na produção e comercialização de produtos de higiene e limpeza, com 40 anos de existência e responsabilidades de assegurar.. [read more]
About UsMutiana Investimentos Lda was established in 2016 as an implementation vehicle of the ELIM Group committed to the delivery of measurable and tangible impact in the agriculture sector.. [read more]
With over 25 years of activity, it has established as an entity of reference within the commerce and distribution of food and non food, with a range from fresh to frozen, confectionery to.. [read more]
The MozYouth Foundation, based in Maputo, offers training programmes throughout Mozambique based on employability, entrepreneurship and professional skills development, and with a focus on.. [read more]
Morelife is a project that uses a community-based application to facilitate communication between blood donors and health related institutions. . [read more]
Movitel SA is a mobile Telecommunication operator based in Mozambique. Movitel has 12 subsidiaries distributed among 11 provinces, 127 district centers and more than 1,500 employees. [read more]
Fundada em 2003, a MOREP – Moçambique Representações, Lda. , é a maior e mais sólida rede de lojas de produtos e serviços no segmento de telecomunicações, com pontos de vendas.. [read more]
MóvelCare é uma plataforma electrónica de microseguros (EMIP) que usa telefones celulares, aplicativos da web e um aplicativo móvel para o pagamento do prémio, acesso da apólice, pedidos.. [read more]
M9 Advisory & Consulting (M9AC) is a Mozambican consultancy company that partners with governments, aid agencies, NGOs and companies, taking on their fundamental challenges, to make lasting.. [read more]
We are a Media Company based in Mozambique and in other African portuguese speaking countries, that empowers communities through different sorts of media output, such as Motion Video and.. [read more]
A MEDIS Farmacêutica, fundada pelo Grupo Azevedos, assume-se como uma mais-valia para o mercado moçambicano, contribuindo decisivamente para o desenvolvimento do setor farmacêutico e da.. [read more]
O Match é uma plataforma Moçambicana online voltada à gestão de carreira, dispomos de serviços com elaboração de currículos, cartas de Apresentação Martketing pessoal consultoria e.. [read more]
Who we areWe are a community of Mozambicans developers of software and applications, which uses their talents to contribute to the community's social development in which we operate. [read more]
Mozambican company specialized in IT consultancy for the AEC industry. We are an Autodesk reseller, operating in the mozambican market for over 11 years. [read more]