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VapemateSubang is an electronics store, located at subang. shah alam. kelana jaya. sunway., 47500 Subang Jaya. They can be contacted via phone at 0123598989, visit their website www.vapemate.com.my for more detailed information.

selling your everyday vaping needs with prices that you can never say no to! for now COD only area subang. whatsapp (+60123598989- aqil) for more details.

Tags : #ECigaretteStore

Location :
subang. shah alam. kelana jaya. sunway., 47500 Subang Jaya
Added by Jopie, at 01 January 2020


Assalamualaikum and a good day to all the vaporians. adik baru je nak mula bisnes kecil kecilan ni menjuaL keperluan vape harian korg semua drpd mod, tanks, rda dan juice. coiling service pon ada. harga? itu jgn risau, mesti puas hati kena ngn barang dan servis. so kalau ada2 apa2 jgn malu2 jgn segan2 direct call pm atau whatsapp je (aqiL) +60163645726. have a good day insyaAllah.

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