Polish and develop your English skills to the highest level. [read more]
Excellence is our trademark. So, Ganethas Academy provides short courses on Adobe Photoshop learning skills, beauty courses and academic courses. . [read more]
SMK Seri Budiman, sebuah sekolah menengah kebangsaan, terletak di puncak Bukit Nasah. Bukit ini memisahkan Kampung Tawai dan Kampung Kenayat. Ada 3 blok bangunan. [read more]
L'Aeroporto di Ipoh-Sultano Azlan Shah, definito come domestico dal Department of Civil Aviation Malaysia, è un aeroporto malese situato a circa 200 chilometri a nord di Kuala Lumpur e a circa.. [read more]
Master in Business Administration (MBA) Master of Accountancy Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Doctor of Business Administration (DBA). [read more]
Here the music begins. [read more]
We are about educating our local public in : English and Bahasa Melayu Language / Conversational English class for adults / Package classes for 7-12 years children(BM,ENG,SCIENCE,MATHS) / One.. [read more]
Shai Automotive Academy已荣获英国温布尔大学(WARNBOROUGH College UK )及马来西亚技术文凭认证。 为毕业生、离校生及对汽车维修有兴趣的人士,提供短期汽车企业培训课程及相关行业的就业机会。. [read more]
Ditubuhkan pada tahun 1896. [read more]
光明华小,校如其名,坐落于宁静的榴莲之乡,生性淳朴的居民,造就了良好的学习环境。凡入读光明华小者,前途必定一片光明。。。. [read more]
创立于1927年9月1日的新港门国民型培才华小位于甘文丁市中心,交通四通八达,是区内最顶尖的华文小学。培才华小不仅学术成绩斐然,运动和课外活动也非常杰出。校友遍布海内外。. [read more]
huffaz bertaqwa peneraju ummah. [read more]
Sekolah Rendah Agama Rakyat Al-Mashur. [read more]
Are you looking for a FUN & CREATIVE KINDERGARTEN? You are DEFINITELY at the right site. . [read more]
Faounder Trainer we provide you a handycraft training modul a. handycraft chibi art polymer clay modul b. handycraft fridge magnet c. handycraft brooch d. [read more]
Mac Taekwondo. [read more]
At KKA Preschool, our main goal is to provide a place where our children can experience the learning process in the best way possible. They see, the learn the process, they explore, the.. [read more]
Established in 2015, ECEL Human Capital Sdn. Bhd. is an education provider that delivers quality technical and vocational education and trainings. . [read more]
Qin music studio offers 'Kindermusik' & 'Piano lessons. ' Music learning builds inner confidence, patience & poise. Call for further details. . [read more]
Inshaallah segala maklumat berkaitan dengan KAFA Sk Permatang Tok Dik akan diupdatekan di dalam page ini. terima kasih atas sokongan anda. . [read more]
Tadika Cendekiawan Cilik is a school, located at lot 1094 lorong taman pulung kubang kerian, 16150 kelantan Kota Bharu, Kelantan. They can be contacted via phone at 0129244471 for more.. [read more]
QE for Quality Education! http://tadikaqe. blogspot. com/. [read more]
Music courses, Art & Ballet school Sell pianos, guitars, violins, keyboards & other tradisional and mordern musical instruments Repair musical instruments. [read more]
Maahad Tahfiz Al-Quran Wal Qiraat ADDIN adalah sebuah institusi pendidikan Islam swasta dan berasrama penuh berasaskan kebajikan dan memilih bidang hafaz Al-Quran sebagai subjek teras. [read more]
You Are The Key To Your Success " YOU CAN DO IT" Communication, Interpersonal, Brave, Entrepreneurship. [read more]
ABA6013 http://mariani-nordin. blogspot. com/. [read more]
This is our official facebook page of JP Racing from STAR,Ipoh. . [read more]
Hello guys!Welcome to The NoobzTM Page. . [read more]
剑桥语言中心 (哥打巴鲁) Cambridge Language Centre (Kota Bharu) English Language Centre Kota Bharu [English Courses / Mandarin Courses]. [read more]
Creative. Enjoyable. Outstanding. [read more]
Education softwares. [read more]
We offer a 3+0 degree course, in collaboration with the University of East London. Olympia College's programs and courses are MQA accredited. . [read more]
Gems Daycare is the 1st Children Daycare Centre in Ipoh to have a official website built. Why are we building a website? Simple, we want you to learn more. [read more]
Team Mafa is a martial arts and fitness academy. Martial arts we have Muay Thai and Taekwando. Fitness part we have TRX and Cross Fits. Our trainer is Shum Chiew Mun. [read more]