Promosi raya!!!!!
1 powerbank - RM 45 ( original ) 2 powerbank - RM80 ( original )
1 Cable - RM 25 ( original ) 2 cable - RM 45 ( original )
简单温馨的一个小房子。适合一家人来个两天一夜的短聚。走走看看、吃吃喝喝,还可以在客厅玩牌看电视聊天,度过温馨的晚上。. [read more]
营业时间 10am-9pm 星期一 — 星期六 星期日10am-2pm only sunday 10am-2pm. [read more]
Restoran SSF 怡保新成发 is a restaurant, located at 18 Hala Datoh 5 off Jalan Leong Boon Swee, 30000 Ipoh, Perak. They can be contacted via phone at 0125073536 for more detailed information. [read more]
绿叶-爱生活(Go Green N Natural) 爱生活系列产品,高品质,低价位,绿色,健康,环保为己任. . [read more]
怡保东莲安乐院群山围绕,环境清幽,致力于佛法的教育与弘扬。东莲安乐院定期举办佛学班、佛学课程、禅修闭关、法会,并常年邀请具德上师及诸山长老法师开示说法,南北藏融合。. [read more]
Malaysia First Star Wars Theme Homestay. [read more]
为你寻找属于你的安乐窝 最新房地产销售。怡保房地产。房屋买卖。房地产投资。. [read more]
一年一度的中秋节即将来临啦,本中心也趁着这个有意义的节日举办了一场中秋晚会,让长者和家人团聚和开心玩乐。感谢所有出席的家人,朋友和有份参与表演的热心人士。感恩!! Mid-Autumn Festival is just around the corner, the center hosted a Mid-Autumn Festival party during this meaningful festival to reunite the elderly with family and friends. [read more]
The LOWEST postpaid commitment plan in the market, RM8 / month, with no hidden charges or qualifying requirements. 在市场上, @ RM8 /月的最低付费承诺的计划,没有隐藏费用或合格的要求。. [read more]
10分钟就可以到三宝洞 20分钟可以到 station 18的 aeon mall 23-28分钟可以到怡保中心 『怡保中心附近有 》怡保芽菜鸡,糖水街,ipoh parade mall,ipoh ktm.. [read more]
怡保夜市,1 家1 台湾 盐酥鸡 & 咖哩鱼丸,东炎鱼丸. [read more]
感谢Aeon Mall Klebang职员的拜访,陪小朋友们过了一个愉快的下午
报恩寺附属吉隆坡大慈讲堂儿童之家将在5/8/2018年举办爱心义卖会,筹募基金以为孩子找个家。 希望能得到大众的支持,让儿童之家能拥有自己的家。 您的扶持是我们的动力,无限感恩。
cendol 煎蕊雪 清凉解暑 此外还有腐竹薏米 和其他汽水呢 🔥 今天有 经济米粉和老鼠粉哟 还有咸糕 为小吃哟 🙆🏻♀️ 欢迎各位来尝试。😁👋🏻💕 店铺 就位于巴占贸坊那边 盐焗鸡隔壁👋🏻. . . 经济又好吃 你怎么可能错过呢?😍
除了cendol之外 我们现在还有售卖 杂雪哦 😍😋
高温街芽菜鸡, located at 44, Jalan Raja Ekram, 31350 Ipoh, Perak, 30300 Ipoh, Perak. They can be contacted via phone at 6012-5203322 for more detailed information. [read more]
新怡保饭店 is a restaurant, located at 33 Jalan Masjid, 30300 Ipoh, Perak. They can be contacted via phone at 05-254 0037 for more detailed information. . [read more]
QUALITY PRODUCTS WITH A DIFFERENCE Innovative and human-friendly. [read more]
Welcome to Ipoh Eat Sleep Play 欢迎来到怡保吃喝玩乐 #Ipoheatsleepplay #怡保吃喝玩乐. [read more]
华仔酒家(万里望)有限公司, 万里望大街大路53,55,57门牌 请大家多多支持怡保驰名美食区。。。谢谢!!! 有意者,请拨电话+6052811399来询问详情预订桌子和菜单。. [read more]
Welcome. [read more]
欢迎来到Octagon Ipoh Homestay❤. [read more]
The most original backpacker hostel in Ipoh. Located just near to Ipoh old town and Little India. Our studio provides a 12 bed mixed dormitory with air-conditioner, hot shower, free breakfast,.. [read more]
国际讲演会1924年创立于美国,怡保华语分会于2015年6月30日成立,是一个非盈利组织。 宗旨是提供一个有系统的学习平台给会友提升沟通与领导技能。 欢迎公众参与,入场免费。. [read more]
本店有批发各国不同种类的水果,例如:樱桃,仙桃,苹果,葡萄和卢甘等等. . . . . . . . 如有任何询问请联系本公司谢谢. [read more]
佛教寺院 地址/Address: 2A, Lang Indah 6, Desa Lang Indah, 30010 Ipoh, Perak. 联络人/Contact No: Sis. Yoke Sim 017-5786994. [read more]
★全马最大房地产经纪公司★ GS国际地产招募地产经纪 本公司特设给想投入地产这行业的年青人,希望能把你们栽培成功! �成功专线:016 - 523 3332 (Kenny Ng) / 016 - 208 1666 (Joanne Lee). [read more]
Foh San Restaurant serves customers with Dim Sum and Mooncakes delicacies for over 30 years. NOTICE: Reservation for Saturday, Sunday and public holiday just available after 12 noon. [read more]
怡保喜来登 - Ipoh Super HLT Restaurant is a restaurant, located at 274,Jalan Sultan Iskandar, 30000 Ipoh, Perak. They can be contacted via phone at +6052491168 for more detailed information. [read more]
怡保住家甜品烘焙。 这里有卖各式网红甜品,满月礼盒及 月饼 欢迎大家订购. [read more]
打扪白衣观音庙自1975年成立以来,刻苦修行,慈悲念佛,为信众点迷津、祈福消灾、捐助扶弱,礼佛修行,与世界各地善信结缘三十余年如一载,香火盛旺。. [read more]
Hotel Station 18 - Luxurious Budget Accommodation. [read more]
兵如港大树脚位于兵如港(652, Jalan King, Pasir Pinji, 31650 Ipoh Perak),是怡保一个著名,并且拥有40年历史的美食中心。除了各样美食,其自创红豆冰更值得一试!. [read more]
The Most Famous Chili Pan Mee in Ipoh as well as 10 more varieties of noodles, very unique kind of snack & food to serve in Ipoh. Really worth to try for. [read more]
WELCOME TO IPOH EAST OCEAN SEAFOOD RESTAURANT(怡保東海) 2017 Here you can find exciting updates on our dishes & commentary of our exquisite exotic platters. [read more]