一 直不斷地在研發新產品及提升服務水準的富貴山庄,於1998年榮獲ISO9002國際品質證書,成為東南亞第一家獲頒此證書的私營化風景墓園。
富貴山庄的專業服務隊伍,為全國客戶提供殯葬、追思與火葬的服務。作為本行業的成功楷模,我們榮獲了無數的獎項,這些成就,推動了本企業的擴充與成長。如今,我 們的服務中心已遍及雪蘭莪士毛月、莎亞南、沙巴亞庇、砂拉越古晉、詩巫、柔佛昔加末、古來,以及印尼雅加達,成為國際殯葬企業。與此同時,我們也分別在吉 隆坡與新山設立了五星級的現代化紀念館,並在莎亞南及新山興建高科技環保火化場,以確保客戶能心無牽掛的享受人生,體現我們關懷備至的企業文化。
Nirvana (NV Multi Asia Sdn Bhd) is the largest bereavement care industry in Asia. As a pioneer of the bereavement industry, Nirvana helps families all over the country with funeral, burial and cremation services with providing one-stop comprehensive service. This leadership position is amplified by the fact that Nirvana is the sole fully integrated bereavement provider in the market.
Today, Nirvana is the developer of Nirvana Memorial Park, Semenyih, which is the world’s largest privatized memorial park in the world.
Has more than RM60 millions perpetual maintenance trust fund (ensure the long-term maintenance of the park , 24-hour security & etc.).
Since Nirvana Memorial Park, Semenyih, the first private memorial park set up in 1990, Nirvana now grows up and spread its business through nationwide into Shah Alam, Kota Kinabalu, Kuching, Sibu, Segamat, Kulai, Tiram and even and overseas branches as Jakarta, Singapore, Cambodia, Taiwan etc.
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