Merah Putih is an organization catered to Indonesians studying at Limkokwing University of Creative Technology. We have a vision to unite all Indonesian students within the university, as well as throughout Malaysia.
A club filled with activities, Merah Putih is the medium for Indonesian students to express and develop their talents and creativity. Here, Indonesian students will also learn and share their culture and creations to their international friends.
Merah Putih was founded in 2003 by Dipa Sitepu, the first president of the club.We look forward in developing and innovating ourselves in becoming a better organization, aligning with the club's vision and mission. By having 800 members and counting, various in-house clubs and activities as well as public events, we have been recognized as one of the biggest and most active student association in Limkokwing University.
The achievement is far from impossible as we have many clubs under the Merah Putih banner that accommodate most of Indonesian students’ creativity, talents, passions, and ambitions; in sports, music, photography, cinematography, and art.
Merah Putih tried its best to create rooms for all Indonesian students to get to know each other as well as themselves.
Each and every single Indonesian students earn the right to become a member and part of club and event committee of this organization, as we are open for people who have great interest and admired willingness to make their journey within the university to the fullest capacity. We offer you more than just fun: we offer experience, sweat, laugh, and memories.
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