Come on Malaysian, be bold be confident. From zero to hero in Mandarin. Let's getting started!! ���. [read more]
MENYESAL BELI SIKIT. MENYESAL TAK RASA. Ramai yg dah dirasuk karipap mini. Bayangkan lah kalau kunyah sekali tapi tak boleh berhenti maknanya apa? Cepat like dan follow page kami sekarang. [read more]
TEMPAH LA BUNTING KAMI. RM35 TERMASUK DESIGN!! SAIZ 2x5 kaki PAKEJ BANNER! RM90 1 BUNTING (2x5 kaki) + 1 BANNER (4x5 kaki) BUNTING SAHAJA RM35 (25 Kaki). [read more]
我们通过内在营养与外在理疗来帮助顾客达到理想瘦身,健身与养生的效果。. [read more]
生巧克力+迷你永生花礼盒 原料采用顶级比利时黑巧克力~ 不会酸涩,口感顺滑,不甜腻 永生花是由鲜花加工制成的干花 保留了鲜花的色泽与形状 可以长年保存噢~. [read more]
*本摊位售卖 关东煮. Oden 美食小吃* ~自制O‘Sayang汤底(类似Asam汤) ~几款创新关东煮料 ~新鲜食材. [read more]
We do Stationery Wholesal and Retail. So glad to come our shop. . [read more]
Menyediakan Perkhidmatan Latihan Di Dalam Bidang Industri Terapi Komplementari. [read more]
Our mission is to offer our company’s service to a broader field of prospective clients looking to purchase, sell or consultation on property investments. [read more]
提供房产知识以帮助更多首购族,低收入族,社会新鲜人购买房子。. [read more]
Hello. . Friends. . . Please. . Like my Facebook page. . . . . [read more]
Azam 2020. Say no to smoking!!!!. [read more]
Karaoke. [read more]
米粉. [read more]
Customise for cake and dessert. 客製化蛋糕與甜點服務 Batu Pahat·Dessert Studio. [read more]
Nikmati Pengalaman Bermalam dalam suasana kampung dan hirup udara segar dari ladang kelapa. . Anda pasti dapat menggamit memori indah bersama kami. . ����. [read more]
Menjual makanan & minuman serta ada menyediakan perkhidmatan sewaan lori ( 3 tan ). [read more]
Welcome to Our Real Estate information Page. We're providing JB newest project, hot dealing project and Investment detail for you. . [read more]
wechat | mode_clothing Instagram | modeclothing. ig. [read more]
We sell & buy property. Selling BELOW Bank Value to Help Buyers Reduce Cash Out or Without 10% deposit. [read more]
买车遇到问题?资料不足?黑名单?让我来帮你 NAME MASALAH ,BLACK LIST,CTOS,PTPTN,BANK TAK PINJAM ,SINI PINJAM SINI ADA LOAN KEDAI !! � https://maps. app. goo. gl/qKA4Y1zZQSuRx4iy5. [read more]
kepakaran kami adalah menyediakan makanan yang berasal daripada Pinang seperti Mee Goreng Mamak Kuali Pusing, Rojak pasembur, dan Nasi Beriyani Gham. . [read more]
纯正香浓咖啡,港式云吞面,烤面包. [read more]
Beary Crunchy, Baery Tasty, Beary Wonderfull & We Love You Baery Beary Much ��. [read more]
吃,是每个新山人每天都必须进行的事, 而【新山有吃货 / JB Eat Four】的宗旨,就是让你吃遍新山区大小美食! 专为介绍新山区各个风味美食,与大众一同品味食中乐趣!. [read more]
Hasnuri collection. [read more]
时尚宝妈生活馆 is a store, located at L3-279/280,sutera mall ,no. 1,jalan sutera tanjung 8/4,taman sutera utama,, 81300 Johor Bahru. They can be contacted via phone at.. [read more]
We are a premium alcoholic beverage distribution company based in Johor Bahru. Dealing with Carlsberg Beers, Imported Beers Wines and Spirits! Contact us for more info!. [read more]
berbagai-bagai jenis makanan dari sarapan pagi hinga makan malam servis penhantaran pun disedia kan. [read more]
Provide range of innovative financial solutions to protect you against to any unexpected throughout the different stages of your lives. We help you to find the insurance solution that’s right for you. [read more]
本社为人群带来欢乐时光主办单位提供了長短路程在马来西亚走透透 �主要是服务第一. [read more]
Jiddah's Kitchen, located at 8, Jalan Cengkerik 4, Pusat Perdagangan Kempas, 81200 Johor Bahru. They can be contacted via phone at +60129249100 for more detailed information. [read more]
We offer full/part time jobs. Interested parties, please contact 0123945670. [read more]
Warong Pisang UTM, located at Litar Kereta Kawalan Jauh UTM Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81300 Johor Bahru. [read more]