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Hooliganz Shisha Penang is located at 358 Jalan Dato Keramat, Pinang George Town, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia, 10150 George Town, Penang, Malaysia

Come and have a puff with Hooliganz Shisha!
We are located at Khoon Hiang Cafe, Jalan Dato Keramat (Famous Ah Leng Char Koay Teow)
Eddie Lim- 0164427123

Tags : #Community, #ArtsEntertainment, #Arts&Entertainment

Location :
358 Jalan Dato Keramat, Pinang George Town, Pulau Pinang, 10150 George Town, Penang

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A hookah is a single or multi-stemmed instrument for vaporizing and smoking flavored tobacco called shisha in which the vapor or smoke is passed through a water basin ‒ often glass-based ‒ before inhalation. Depending on the placement of the coal above the shisha, a hookah can be used to produce smoke by burning the shisha or used to create water vapor by melting it at a lower temperature.The origin of the waterpipe is from the time of the Safavid dynasty in the Persian empire which extended into India to where it also spread during that time. The hookah or Argyleh soon reached Egypt and the Levant during the Ottoman dynasty where it became very popular and where the mechanism was later perfected. The word hookah is a derivative of "huqqa", which is what the Arabs called it. Smoking the hookah has gained popularity outside of its native region, and is gaining popularity in North America,South America, Europe, Australia, Southeast Asia, Tanzania and South Africa, largely due to immigrants from the Levant (where it is especially popular) introducing it to the youth.

水烟是世界众多国家很流行很火爆的健康的抽烟方式,尤其是阿拉伯国家,已有500年历史(抽烟方式如图片所示)。 目前,欧美大学生及社会人士风行抽阿拉伯水烟<阿拉伯名:“SHI SHA”,“SHI SHA”是阿拉伯国家及伊斯兰教文化、生活传统的一部份,其烟料系水果制成,焦油、尼古丁含量极低。健康、卫生、斯文、高雅系SHI SHA的主要特点。是新一代的时尚抽烟及休闲方式,烟气芳香四溢,目前在美国、欧洲等国家风靡流行,成为有志人士的时尚选择,广泛用于家庭、涉外餐馆、咖啡厅,俱乐部,高档酒店,酒楼等地,更成为一种高档的送礼佳品。
水烟由烟管、烟瓶、碟子、陶瓷烟槽、过滤铜管、抽烟管、夹子组成,拆卸安装简单,携带方便,使用方法: 1、先把水瓶盛水,淹过过滤铜管即可,不好太高水位; 2、把整个上部身体套上一根细小过滤铜管后插入水瓶拧紧; 3、身体上面套上碟,再套上烟槽(注意接口位置有胶圈,保持密封),即可放入烟丝(按自己使用量); 4、用一小块儿锡纸把整个放好烟丝的烟槽包住,在上面扎些小孔,把烧好的木炭放在扎好孔的锡纸上面,插上抽烟管(注意接口位置有胶圈,保持密封)即可听见“咕噜噜”的水声,伴着口中轻轻飘出的烟雾,或站或坐或躺,悠哉游哉了、、、、、 和朋友聊天、品味健康的休闲时尚,烟气芳香四溢

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