
Fusion Music Studio offer piano, violin, guitar, ukulele and drum lesson. We also provide early childhood music class for baby, toddler and children up to 6 years old.

Tags : #MusicLessons&InstructionSchool

Location :
No. 3-2, Blok A, Jalan Tasik Prima 5/1, Prima Biz Hub (The Wharf), Taman Tasik Prima, 47100 Puchong


Our aim is to help our students to become a successful musician whereby not only will excel in music exams and also able to perform with other musicians by encouraging our students to join our orchestra band or rock band and that’s what music making all about!

All music classes are conducted by dedicated, experienced and qualified teachers.

Our Early Childhood Music Programme, Music for Intelligent Mind (MIM) is a program to enhance your child's IQ development and develop musical talent.

MIM program is available for infrants, toddlers and children.

We offer courses:
• Violin
• Viola
• Cello
• Piano
• Drum
• Guitar

We also provide:
• Piano Tuning
• Piano Moving
• Selling of Music Instruments

9 Reviews

  • Anynomous
    29 September 2023

    Are you keen to climb the career ladder? Would you like to study or work overseas? Whatever your background or ambitions, learning English gives you the freedom to explore exciting new opportunities!

    Call/Whatsapp for more info!

  • Anynomous
    29 September 2023

    When children experiment with materials, they dabble in science. Most important perhaps, when kids feel good while they are creating, art helps boost self-confidence.

    Come join us for our toddler art and craft class every Saturday from 11.30am til 12.15pm to allow your little one explore through play with different experiences every week.

    Drop us a message to enquire more

  • Anynomous
    10 September 2023

    When you consider drama clubs and classes for children, what conclusions do you draw? Do you think of a room full of confident, extrovert young people with ambitions for Hollywood or television? Has your own child expressed an interest in the performing arts and been badgering to go? Have you spotted what you think might be a hidden talent, and can't bear to see it wasted?

    Well, here is your chance to witness your child's potential. How can drama benefit the young minds?

    1) E...ncourages them to be more vocal

    2) Enhances ones' self-esteem

    3) Increases self-expression

    4) Motivates them to work in groups and builds friendships

    5) Nurtures spontaneity and the ability to 'think on your feet'

    Class begins in August 2018, the commencing date will be posted soon, don't miss the opportunity to call us and book a place for a FREE TRIAL CLASS!

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  • Anynomous
    10 September 2023

    For many English learners, speaking is the most difficult part of the language to master. To improve your speaking skills, you need to be able to practice with other English learners or English speakers.

    There are many reasons why English Club - Teen Talk can help learners of all ages and levels improve their English. The most important reason is that we offer learners a chance to practice English by actually speaking it.

    There are other advantages, too. English clubs are less formal than a classroom setting. Many learners find them more fun than usual English classes. They also let learners practice English in more real-life situations. This can increase a learner’s desire to practice and learn on their own!

  • Anynomous
    18 August 2023

    Here are 10 ways to powerfully boost your child’s imaging (right brain) ability through healthy mental nourishment.

    1. Nature Use pictures representing people and objects from real life. Images found by Mother Nature contain marvelously varied patterns, shapes, geometric proportion, color and depth.


    2. Art Expose your child to works of art form artists who reached a high level of mastery in their field.

    3. Music Play classical music in the background. (Auditory data is recorded as a metal image).

    4. Literature Read your child. What image will he retain. Words, grammar, vocabulary, and YOUR LOVE.

    5. Phonic sounds Teach sounds before letters. Give your child the gift of “phonemic awareness”-the ability to hear individual sounds of the language before seriously learning the symbols. Play games to increase awareness of these seed sounds: “c-a-t” is cat.

    6. Lower case letters Teach young children the alphabet using lower case letters first. Consider how seldom you read text written in all caps. Children who begin with only upper case have to relearn the symbols used for actual reading.

    7. Informational readers Choose books that teach. When reading to your child, select stories that teach science facts, history or values. They make connections within the brain that make later learning more of a breeze.

    8. Math pictures Teach quantities before numeric symbols. If a child sees “three” as three fingers, or three apples before learning about three as the symbol “3”, then the brain is better neurologically weird to calculate and count later on.

    9. Flashcards Ignite your child’s understanding and curiosity by exposing him/her to a wide array of subjects using flashcards.

    10. You! And last, but definitely not least, the most important image your child will record and refer to far into the future is you and your love. So, Smile! Encourage. Radiate unconditional acceptance and respect. Think about what you would like your children to learn, and then model it. Because the right hemisphere is considered the “emotional brain”, your loving heart is the best image you can give to your child through loving words; kind actions and belief in their success!

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  • Anynomous
    16 August 2023

    Toddler Music Class - MIM® Jumpstart

    Age Group : 1 to 3 years old

    To cultivates toddlers' musical talent, exposing them to the sounds of different instruments, encourages early note reading, rhythmic training, aural training, concentration training, memory training- photographic and audio, recognition of keys and perfect/ relative pitch training. This early exposure helps them tremendously in their future path in becoming a fine musician.


    From conception, children are able to learn quickly and easily but will gradually lose this ability as they grow older -- unless positively stimulated through simple learning techniques. This "window of opportunity" to easily develop whole-brain capabilities is open until about age 7.

    MIM® Jumpstart aims to stimulate and tickle the music brain of children under 3 with - colourful flashcards, - educational toys, - percussion instruments, keyboards and other interesting teaching aids.

    Lesson Duration :45 mins, once a week

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  • Anynomous
    15 August 2023

    Group Piano Class - MIM® Encore Age Group :4 to 6 years old Lesson Duration :1 hour, once a week

    MIM® Encore continues to use the teaching concepts from MIM® Jumpstart, which is carefully planned to:


    • enhance whole brain learning, • encouraging early note reading, • rhythmic training, aural training, concentration training, memory training - photographic and audio, • recognition of keys and perfect/ relative pitch training.

    Students will start to learn keyboard playing, with the understanding of proper keyboard/piano playing techniques.

    It further extends its concentration training, eye training, rhythmic training and ear training to include dictation, sight reading and sight singing. The memory training will also extend to include kinesthetic and analytical memory.

    The syllabus is designed according to the syllabus of British Music Examination Boards, giving students ample preparation to lead into ABRSM, LCME and other British exam board Graded exams in the future. At the same time, students will get ample opportunities to become a more confident and well-rounded musician through the various and fascinating ways of musicianship training available in this course.

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  • Anynomous
    14 August 2023

    Congratulations to the Sea Adventure Music & Art Campers who have successfully completed a fantastic sea adventure over a 3 hours camp. Children of ages 3-8 years have come together for a 3 hours Music & Art course and learned multiple craft skills in making 3D beach, colourful jellyfish, crab and 3D aquarium by painting and pasting it themselves. They even learned rhythm & beat activities, music percussion instruments and music & movement.

    Thank you for the overwhelming of support and we will open more slots for our next holiday camp. Stay tune.

    #fusionmusicstudio #music #art #art&craft #seaadventure #holidaycamp #musicartholidaycamp

  • Anynomous
    11 August 2023

    🎹🎶 How to make practice piano fun.

    🎵Keep It Short and Sweet. 🎻End the practice session before your piano student gets tired. 🎼Start with practice 15 minutes per day for starters.... 🎸Slowly work up to thirty minutes a day when they are ready. 🎹Give compliment or reward when they complete their task.

    🎻🎻Most important remember to enjoy during practising piano. 😊😊

    #fusionmusicstudio #howtomakepracticepianofun #musicfortheintelligentmind

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