SK Yaacob Latif 2 telah secara rasminya tamat beroperasi pada 1 Januari 2019, namun page ini tetap dikekalnya kewujudannya sebagai sebuah lapangan untuk berkongsi memori dan menjejak kembali.. [read more]
JF Sewing Academy menyediakan pelbagai kelas jahitan secara one off module (satu @ 2 hari). Masa: Hujung minggu (Jumaat/Sabtu/Ahad) Lokasi: Jitra, Kedah. [read more]
This science learning centre, the first of its kind in Malaysia, attracted a lot of interests of parents and their kids for aged btw 5-14. Parents believe our concept of learning science.. [read more]
Motto: Where wisdom begins Vision: Aspires to be a dynamic knowledge gateway. [read more]
Official Facebook Page for SK Kampung Tunku. [read more]
This will be the official page for TAR UC Perak Branch. Any updates will be updated here. Please share this to your friends and any other tarcians around. [read more]
SMT Tunku Abd Rahman Putra Jalan Ibbetson 11400 Pulau Pinang. [read more]
Perpustakaan UMS Kampus Antarabangsa Labuan Jalan Sungai Pagar 87015 W. P labuan. [read more]
KPJ Healthcare University College of Nursing And Health Sciences. [read more]
We are a Professional Math Learning Center in Malaysia 017-3487055. [read more]
Located in Kajang, Selangor, Malaysia. We aim to provide quality education in a differentiated inclusive learning environment. Each learner’s natural abilities are enhanced. [read more]
Officially approved by the Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) on 28 July 2004 and started operating officially on 3 October 2004. [read more]
School of Ocean Engineering Universiti Malaysia Terengganu. [read more]
New Kinderland Ipoh at Jalan Kelab Golf. Register your interest now! Call us at 018-2317383 for more information. . [read more]
Kinderland Malaysia, a subsidiary of Crestar Education Group, is a leading provider of quality infant and child care, tri-lingual preschool and enrichment centre for children two months to 6 years.. [read more]
我们的核心是品质, 我们的使命是教育。. [read more]
# F&B Planning & Concept Facilitation # F&B Operation Enhancement Services # Training & Development # Talents & Employment House # Halal Certificate. [read more]
GIATMARA Puchong Institut Latihan Kemahiran MARA. [read more]
Laman Facebook rasmi GIATMARA Taiping, Perak Darul Ridzuan. [read more]
SYARAT-SYARAT KEMASUKAN - Warganegara Malaysia - Bumiputera - Berumur 15 hingga 40 tahun - Berminat dalam bidang yang dipohon - Boleh membaca, menulis dan mengira. [read more]
Program latihan GIATMARA (GM) Kota Tinggi diperkenalkan dalam tahun 1994 di atas tapak yang di beri ekhsan oleh FELDA iaitu bekas bangunan Balairaya Felda Air Tawar 2. [read more]
pusat kmahiran mnjana wawasan. [read more]
GIATMARA Kota Melaka mempunyai 3 kursus iaitu kursus Teknologi Sistem Komputer, Pattern Cutting Garment Production dan Teknologi Elektronik Audio Visual. [read more]
KAP atau kelas persediaan pengajaran ke pondok-pondok di Indonesia dibuka di Putra Nilai, berhampiran dengan masjid BB Nilai. Kelas ini di ajar oleh ustaz dan ustazah alumni Pondok Gontor.. [read more]
Seeing is believing. [read more]
The official FB page for SK Kiaramas, Kuala Lumpur. [read more]
Mula beroperasi pd 6. 1. 2003 dgn motto "Menjadikan Insan Berilmu". Guru Besar ialah En. Chong Hon Ming (2003), Pn. Sharifah Nasihat bt Tuanku Mahmud (2008), En. [read more]
SMK Jalan Arang. [read more]
Well established since 2013 Let your child be part of ILIKE's family and SHARE something SPECIAL. A sense of FAMILY belonging and FUN. Children loving and learning TOGETHER. [read more]
Welcome to Seedling ^. ^ Child is like a seedling,seedling will be growth up to tree^,^. [read more]
Tadika Islam (TADIS). [read more]
Segalanya Bermula Disini. . . AlQuran Dan Assunnah Dalam Jiwa kanak2. . [read more]
Bright Mukmin Preschool at Presint 11,Putrajaya #halfday/fullday programme #Little Huffaz Program #Independant Me programme. [read more]
Hari Ini: Usaha dan Pengorbanan Esok: Kejayaan dan Kecemerlangan. [read more]