An Iban speaking church - Gereja berbahasa Iban - Gerija jako Iban. [read more]
We are a Congregational ruled Baptist Church in Johor Bahru (also known as JB) to equip members with a mission to love God and to love man. . [read more]
哈咯各位弟兄姐妹们 ,大家好。 欢迎大家来到我们啤律耶稣圣心堂华文组青年团的面子书 。 如有任何疑问可私信我们哦。. [read more]
让孩子到我这里来,不要阻止他们,因为天国的子民正是向他们这样的人。(马太19:14). [read more]
We do not choose Jesus, Jesus chooses us. . [read more]
Have you prayed about it as much as you've talked about it? Matt 21:22. [read more]
Youth Ministry of Tabernacle of God Batu Pahat. 峇株吧辖神的帐幕青少年事工!. [read more]
City Parish, Penang, one of the 29 parishes in the Diocese of Penang, Malaysia. City Parish consists of four churches located within the City of George Town. [read more]
Services Venue & Time: https://www. hopekl. org/services-venue-time/ Contact Us: https://www. hopekl. org/contact-us/. [read more]
Trinity Sanctuary AG (TSAG) is a Contemporary Pentecostal Church located within the rapidly growing town of Semenyih. We invite you to join us for any of our services and worship with us as we.. [read more]
No 25-1, Jalan SL 1/12, Bandar Sungai Long, Cheras, Kajang, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia Email: sglongcmc@gmail. com. [read more]
1-stop point for corporate gift & apparel. [read more]
「 神爱世人,甚至将他的独生子赐给 他们 ,叫一切信他的,不致灭亡,反得永生。 [约翰福音 3:16 ]. [read more]
2016 Promise Word He does great things beyond searching out, and marvelous things beyond number. JOB 9. 10 Sunday Tamil Service - 9am. [read more]
A Place of Love & Acceptance. 一个爱与接纳的地方 Please come and join us to experience the Love of God. 请来和我们一起经历神的爱。. [read more]
Good Samaritan Lutheran Church welcomes anyone. . [read more]
White Fields Assembly (荘稼福音堂) is a church, located at 23-G, Jalan Za'aba, 70100 Seremban (City). They can be contacted via phone at +6067628199 for more detailed information. [read more]
Explore & learning about God is an exciting journey. We believe that learning together is an important part of Christian growth. Join us today. . [read more]
True Jesus Church Bayan Baru is a church, located at 17-1-8, Medan Kampung Relau 2, Bayan Point, 11900 Bayan Lepas. They can be contacted via phone at +60124180276 for more detailed information. [read more]
D'Oasis A. O. G is committed to impact the community with love of Christ by - Bringing them into Membership of the family of God - Nurturing them into Christian Maturity - Equipping them.. [read more]
We are the youth and campus ministry of Subang Jaya Assembly of God. . [read more]
这里是上帝的家,神的居所。我们欢迎您加入这个大家庭。领受祂的丰盛;享受祂的同在;一起进入祂将要赏赐给我们的应许。. [read more]
我们来自法缘精舍的青少年团。 We are from Fa Yuan Vihara Youth Group. . [read more]
We are a Spirit filled Charismatic Church. . [read more]
CGC is a gathering of Christian believers. We come from all walks of life. That which binds us together is our common faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. . [read more]
Welcome to His Covenant of Grace Centre in Ipoh and celebrate with us His finished work. Add: 71A Jalan Raja Perempuan Mazwin, Tmn Rishah, 30100 Ipoh, PK. [read more]
The OLF choir contributes to the liturgical celebration through song and music during Mass. We have regular practices every Friday at 8. 00pm at the Church. [read more]
S. P. E. C. S. is the acronym for St. Peter's English Congregation Service. St. Peter's Church Ipoh is a vibrant Anglican church in Ipoh that was founded in 1947. [read more]
Ablazing Youth is a School Christian Fellowship that enables us to grow together , learn together and shine together. . [read more]
BEM Cornerstone is a family church located in Senadin, Miri welcoming every one from all walks of life. . [read more]
Tuesday Prayer - 8. 00 pm Friday Renewal & Healing Meeting - 8. 00 pm Saturday Dawn Prayer - 6. 00 am to 7. 30 am Sunday Worship Service 8. 30 am (Tamil & English) 2nd.. [read more]
Founded by Apostle David Swan. . [read more]
SIBLife is a church that is passionate of bringing life to all nation. Located at Seri Iskandar, Perak, SIBLife church has a very strong Borneo vibe. . [read more]
Christianity. [read more]
A group of Young Adults passionate about the possibilities of life, willing to explore and go all out for Christ. Come Join us every Sunday 9. 30am to 11am. [read more]