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深夜食糖 - SYST is a cafe, located at Shop 25, 1st Floor Holiday Villa, No.260 Jalan Dato Sulaiman, Taman Abad, 80250 Johor Bahru. Visit their website www.fnb.malpakat.com for more detailed information.

80's-themed cafe specialised in traditional Hong Kong tong shui (desserts)

Tags : #DessertShop

Location :
Shop 25, 1st Floor Holiday Villa, No.260 Jalan Dato Sulaiman, Taman Abad, 80250 Johor Bahru
Added by Jopie, at 21 June 2018

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17 Reviews

  • Anynomous
    14 September 2018

    深夜食糖欲提前预祝各位 Happy Malaysia Day! 愿各位有个美好的周末,与家人朋友一起度过难得的假期 #syst #hkdessertshop #holidayvilla

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  • Anynomous
    10 September 2018

    深夜食糖从开张至今已有五个多月的时间,从当初的港式糖水到目前逐步增加的小吃如:咖喱鱼旦,通粉,西多士等等;为的就是带给大家一个即舒适又港味十足的地方。这恰恰的也让深夜食糖成为一个喝下午茶及吃宵夜闲话家常的绝佳去处 #syst #hkdesserts #hksnacks

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  • Anynomous
    09 September 2018

    深夜食糖预祝我国最高元首,Yang di-Pertuan Agong 生辰快乐。同时也大希望家长周末愉快,能够与我们好好放松一下,细品”甜蜜”人生 #syst #hkdessert #jbcafe

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  • Anynomous
    08 September 2018

    哎哟,听说Mr范特西悄悄的陪老婆跑来了柔佛新山,不知道他今晚会不会来呢😏 @jaychou #syst #hkdessert

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  • Anynomous
    07 September 2018

    你知道吗?其实杨枝甘露最初的来源是观音菩萨手持净瓶中的露水,观音菩萨左手拖净瓶,右手持杨枝,而净瓶中的露水便是杨枝甘露。传说中观音菩萨用杨枝沾上露水洒向世间,便会给人们带来吉祥的祝福。而现实中,人们也研发出一种热卖的港式甜品,该甜品清凉、爽滑,同样带着对人们吉祥幸福的祝福,品尝起来也是给人以无限的幸福享受,这就是港式甜品杨枝甘露 #syst #hkdessert

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  • Anynomous
    30 August 2018

    深夜食糖在此提前恭祝马来西亚国庆快乐,欣欣向荣!有空的朋友趁这长周末来坐坐享受一碗糖水吧. #syst #hkdesserts #malaysianationalday

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  • Anynomous
    21 August 2018

    Selamat Hari Raya Haji!! We wish you all a good times with your family and friends. Come and enjoy your public holiday and chill out with us at SYST tonight. 哈芝节假期愉快! 祝大家与家人及朋友有个美好的假期。今晚就来深夜食糖好好放松一下自己吧! #syst #hkdesserts

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  • Anynomous
    15 August 2018

    在这炎炎夏日的日子里,在户外活动较多的朋友都过的非常难受吧?不如趁午休喝茶时间来碗冰凉的缤天雪地解解热吧。除此之外,我们也开始与Honestbee合作提供外送服务,以让无法出户的你也能享用糖水哦 #syst #hkdessert

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  • Anynomous
    02 August 2018

    为了感谢大家一直以来的支持并回馈社会,【深夜食糖】将于这个来临的星期五与宽柔独中中学学生合作举办筹募活动以作为建校基金。希望各位朋友/校友踊跃参与,多多支持。 #syst #hkdesserts #holidayvilla

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  • Anynomous
    31 July 2018

    来咯来咯来咯! 为了能够满足更广的群众需求求,本店由明日起(1-8-18)将更改营业时间至 3PM-2AM。同时我们也会推出新的甜品,好让顾客们得以品鲜!喜欢喝下午茶的朋友可别错过咯! Here it come!! In order to accommodate and fulfill wider range of customer needs, we will be changing our operation hour to 3PM-2AM daily, from tomorrow(1-8-18) onwards. On top of that, we will be releasing new desserts too! Make sure you don’t miss us out If having an afternoon tea has been one of your habit!! #syst #hkdessert #sweettooth 深夜食糖 - SYST

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  • Anynomous
    26 July 2018

    唉,macam yes 喔😏 #敬请期待 #staytuned #syst

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  • Anynomous
    22 July 2018

    你知道嗎?一樣的材料,一樣的做法,但當一碗放入冰箱冷凍過的糖水和剛出鍋趁熱吃的口感滋味是十分不同的。同一鍋的糖水若熱熱地吃會有較甜的感覺。而這一切都和我們的味蕾有關,對於不同的溫度的甜品,味蕾的敏感度都會有相對應的變化。所以吃糖水不妨凍熱都試試,給味蕾不一樣的甜蜜衝擊 #syst #holidayvilla #hktongsui Pic Credit: jbcityguide

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  • Anynomous
    18 July 2018

    基于特定芒果季节结束,本店指定选用的芒果参量大减以至货源短缺。藉此,本店杨枝甘露每日的售量将受限,直至找到适合的品种替代为止以保持品质。对此本店欲对我们杨枝甘露的喜爱者抱歉,不便之处敬请包涵。 Due to the end of mango season for our selected species of mango, the amount of Mango Sago Pomelo sold each day will be of limited quantity till we found the new acceptable replacement. Sorry for any inconvenient caused. #syst #hkdesserts #foodlover

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  • Anynomous
    09 July 2018

    最近都在熬夜看足球赛事吗?又或者是赛事结果促使血液偏高?是的话那就来碗极具核桃香扑鼻,喝入嘴里黏糊糊,甜滋滋的核桃酪。中医认为核桃所含磷脂对脑神经有保护作用,经常饮用,对动脉硬化、高血压、冠心病及抗衰老有良好的保健效果。因此其是一种具有补充体力,缓解疲劳,预防疾病的上乘饮品。 #holidayvilla #syst #hktongsui

    Pic: pm for credit

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  • Anynomous
    06 July 2018

    MV collaboration with Namewee

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  • Anynomous
    02 July 2018

    We would like to express our gratitude towards local publisher; Malay Mail, for not only appreciating our desserts, but also putting into words our efforts behind the meticulously designed concept & story of our establishment, and, to top it off, for featuring us in their articles. We will strive to provide better service and desserts continuously in appreciation of our customers! PS: Our café runs a no pork no lard policy, hence feel free to bring along your muslim friends for a Hong-Kong style treat!

    很感激本地报社 Malaymail 不仅仅对于本店糖水的认同,更加对本店的构思及故事有所深入的了解,并加以特刊于自家的截面。您的认同,给予我们更大的动力提供更好的服务与甜品来回馈大家! 注:本店秉持着无猪与猪油类食品政策,所以各位可以放心携带友族同胞一同品尝港式甜品哦。

    Operation hours: 6PM - 2AM daily Venue: 1st Floor Holiday Villa Hotel JB (above Country Bar) FB messenger: m.me/systhv

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  • Anynomous
    28 June 2018

    Thanks to TheSmartLocal.com for featuring us in their latest article. It's our honor being the only Chinese cuisine cafe in the list among all cafes out there. If you have yet try our Tong Sui yet, remember to visit us if you happen to be around JB down town! 感谢新加坡著名私营媒体 TheSmartLocal 将我们纳入当地最新一期的撰文里,使我们成为当中唯一以中餐为主题的cafe。若你还没试过我们的糖水,不妨趁身处新山市区时顺道过来尝尝吧!

    Operation hours: 6PM - 2AM daily Venue: 1st Floor Holiday Villa Hotel JB (above Country Bar) FB messenger: m.me/systhv

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