
Child Focus Malawi


Vituso aims at improving the academic performance of secondary school students in Malawi by providing better academic resources and learning environment

Tags : #NonprofitOrganization, #CommunityOrganization, #Preschool

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Vituso, founded in 2014, is a non-profit Non-governmental designated entity for addressing secondary school academic issues at the society, regional and national level. Its mandate is to ensure that Community Day Secondary Schools meet the standard that would achieve better education and academic performances and prepare students for better ICT knowledge as they approach the tertiary level. The mandate and objectives of Vituso emanate from:
• Low performances of students in Community Day Secondary Schools
• Low participation of students in Community Day secondary schools
• Low intake of students from Community Day Secondary Schools to attend the tertiary education
• Lack or preliminary computer basic knowledge among students who have been selected to attend tertiary level education

Vituso's objectives
I. To reduce absenteeism especially girls in Community Day Secondary Schools
II. To train secondary school students in ICT basics
III. To provide teaching and learning resources to Community Day Secondary Schools students
IV. To encourage academic interaction among Community Day Secondary Schools students
V. To nurture scientific creativity and innovation in Secondary School students
VI. To inspire passion for education in students in Community Day Secondary