1. The average of a list of ten numbers is 15. If one of the numbers is removed, the average of the remaining numbers is 14. What is the value of the number that was removed?
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We have soft copies of UEE Manuals. If you want them please comment below with your email address. You should receive the document by Monday.
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Exams are out. Our hearty congratulations go to those that have made it, particularly those that will sit for University Entrance Examinations. We are also concerned with you, and your candidature for the admission into the University. Those those that did not make it at the first attempt we say there is time for everything. Buckle up and make amends because the University is for all of us, a place for those that have special guts and resilience. Do your best to join a well recognised tertiary insitution.
It has been long since we last posted. Please tell your friends about this page as we are about to begin the exercise. Fasten your seat belts.
any day in two weeks time u.e.e results will be outa pa com zikozekani
how was U.E.E ladies and gentlemen?
all the best people as you will be writing your entrance examinations
Hello colleagues?
CARPE DIEM; Chanco Crew Numerical Skills instructions Attempt all problems. Each question carry equal marks and equal time.
Continue Readinglogic questions. 1.all humans are dogs.some dogs are thieves.therefor a. some dogs are humans b.some thieves are humans c.some human are thieves d.all human are thieves e.c and d
2.some non wealthy pipo are not non humans is logically equivalent to/ a.all wealthy pipo are humans b.some wealthy pipo are humans c.some humans are not wealthy pipo d.some humans are not non wealthy pipo e.wealthy pipo are humans
post your answers
Logic Tests or Logical Reasoning Tests are used to measure a persons use of logic in situations that require problem solving and logic. Logical reasoning tests are becoming more common since logical reasoning is crucial in most jobs nowadays and is seen as a very important skill to possess. Below are some of the most common types of logical reasoning tests.
> Logical Problems > Logical Reasoning > Analogies > Making Judgements > Logical Games > Course of Action > Cause & Effect > Verbal Classification > Artificial Language > Classification
WE will be expounding all these as we draw nigh to the great University Entrance Examinations day.
Sample: I am seven the day before yesterday. Next year, I will be 10 years old.
Questions: When is my birthday? When did I told that statement? When was the day before yesterday?
Each question given below consists of a statement, followed by two arguments numbered I and II. You have to decide which of the arguments is a 'strong' argument and which is a 'weak' argument. Give answer:
(A) If only argument I is strong (B) If only argument II is strong (C) If either I or II is strong (D) If neither I nor II is strong and (E) If both I and II are strong.
1. Statement: Should Malawi encourage exports, when most things are insufficient for internal use itself?
I. Yes. We have to earn foreign exchange to pay for our imports. II. No. Even selective encouragement would lead to shortages.
A. Only argument I is strong B. Only argument II is strong C. Either I or II is strong D. Neither I nor II is strong E. Both I and II are strong
If you will get this right, K200 worthy of airtime is waiting for you. Goodluck!
am on my journey to mzuzu now. wl start posting materials from 6 january. all the best guys
Directions to Solve
Find the correctly spelt words.
(solve as per the direction given above) A. Itinarery B. Itinerary C. Itenary D. Itinarary Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option B
Itinerary - of a trip, of a journey, of travelling, of the route taken on a journey.
(solve as per the direction given above) A. Survaillance B. Surveillance C. Survellance D. Surveilance Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option B
Surveillance - careful observation of a person or group, supervision.
(solve as per the direction given above) A. Sepulchral B. Sepilchrle C. Sepalchrul D. Sepalchrl Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option A
Sepulchral - pertaining to a grave or tomb. (or) serving as a grave or tomb.
(solve as per the direction given above) A. Acommodation B. Accomodaton C. Accommodation D. Acomodation Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option C
Accommodation is used to refer to buildings or rooms where people live or stay.
(solve as per the direction given above) A. Faithfuly B. Sincerely C. Truely D. Affectionatly Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option B