
Cultural & Museum Centre Karonga (CMCK), Malawi


* See the Dinosaur! *
* Enjoy Malawi History! *
* Meet the Living Legends! *
* Tell your Friends! *

Tags : #TravelTransportation, #HistoryMuseum, #Travel&Transportation


Our facilities are:

including Museum,
Mbande Gardenrestaurant/Bar

You can read more in this book about Hominids and the construction of the museum in Karonga:

Schrenk F, Bromage T, Anthoni S 2012: Adam’s Ancestors in Malawi. Society of Malawi Publishers, Blantyre, Malawi, 129 S. ISBN 978-99908-36-17-2

Korean version:
아담의 조상
ISBN 8973375245

Please feel welcome and enjoy our exhibition as well as our facilities including the garden restaurant.

17 Reviews

  • Anynomous
    08 April 2023

    Quite an important information for the Museum

  • Anynomous
    01 February 2024

    Connecting the world with Museum to the power of 3 - Museum Hoch 3

  • Anynomous
    11 January 2024

    Large brains, canned salmon, and the atomic bomb: The evolution of lethal violence in humans.

    Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Dean Falk


    Prof. Dr. Dean Falk zitiert mit dem Titel ihres Vortrags Gustav Heinrich Ralph von Koenigswald, der einst ironisch einen Zusammenhang zwischen der Entwicklung des Gehirns und der Erfindung gefährlicher Waffen herstellte. Anhand von Untersuchungen zum Verhältnis von tödlicher Gewalt zu Bevölkerungsgröße sowohl in Schimpansen- Gemeinschaften als auch in Klein- und Großgesellschaften von Menschen zeigt Prof. Dean Falk, dass sich Menschen gewalttätiger als Schimpansen entwickelten und sie widerspricht der Behauptung, dass kleinere Gesellschaften grundsätzlich gewalttätiger als sogenannte „zivilisierte“ Staaten seien. Die amerikanische Anthropologin und Neurowissenschaftlerin Dean Falk untersucht die evolutionäre Entwicklung unseres Gehirns und die damit entstandenen einzigartigen kognitiven Fähigkeiten.

    Der Vortrag ist in englischer Sprache.

    Im Anschluss laden wir Sie zu einem Umtrunk ein. Anmeldungen bis 9.11. bitte unter

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  • Anynomous
    28 December 2023

    A is for Acacia. Not apple. A talk about how traditional knowledge is undervalued and underutilized across Africa. Mainstream Africa's traditional knowledge and watch real progress unfold!

    via Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration - FMNR - forum

  • Anynomous
    27 December 2023

    Black is beautiful: The Black Missionaries yesterday on the black Cultural & Museum Centre Karonga (CMCK), Malawi stage: of course ESCOM produced a blackout, yet everyone danced through the black night.

  • Anynomous
    15 November 2023

    Enjoy our 28 new video clips on research an cultural activities in Karonga on

  • Anynomous
    02 June 2023

    Here is our new flyer: download, read, enjoy and distribute!

  • Anynomous
    01 June 2023

    We make history!

  • Anynomous
    01 January 2024

    The Definition of Species in Human Evolution.

    Prof. Dr. Francis Thackeray (University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa)


    Arten in der Paläobiologie können meist nur anhand von fragmentarischen Knochen und Zähnen beschrieben werden. Ist das biologische Artkonzept bei Fossilien daher überhaupt anwendbar? Lassen sich unsere Vorfahren sinnvoll in Arten einteilen? Prof. Dr. Thackeray stellt grundsätzliche Fragen zur Definition von Arten, und versucht sie mit Hilfe innovativer morphometrischer Methoden zu beantworten. Im Vortrag wird er seine Theorien am Beispiel der spektakulären Funde des "Homo naledi" aus dem südafrikanischen Rising Star Höhlensystem darlegen.

    Prof. Dr. Francis Thackery, einer der profiliertesten Paläoanthropologen Südafrikas, erforschte bei Grabungen in der "Cradle of Humankind" im Tal von Sterkfontein die Fundstellen der robusten "Nussknackermenschen" in Kroomdrai und Swartkrans.

    Der Vortrag ist in englischer Sprache. Im Anschluss laden wir Sie zu einem Umtrunk ein.

    Bitte bis zum 9.11.2016 anmelden bei:

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  • Anynomous
    20 December 2023

    Our friends from Frankfurt, Germany, invited the Lusubilo Band from Karonga, Malawi to perform a concert at Senckenberg Museum in Frankfurt. The Lusubilo Band, playing African music and Afro-Pop, was voted the best Band of Malawi in 2014 and recently appeared at the Lake of Stars Festival. Their music is full of energy and joy! The Lusubilo Band often has performed at Cultural & Museum Centre Karonga (CMCK), Malawi, the home of Malawisaurus. Senckenberg also exhibits Dinosaurs – Lusubilo Band will feel at home there! We wish all of them a great time in Frankfurt! Tickets are available in advance and on request at the following email:

  • Anynomous
    11 November 2023

    Hm ... Rock Python + Elephant = Malawisaurus?

  • Anynomous
    24 October 2023

    Don't miss Lusubilo Band: GREAT MUSIC, GREAT PEOPLE, GREAT SHOW! 13 August 2016 at Cultural & Museum Centre Karonga (CMCK), Malawi 30 October 2016 at Senckenberg, Frankfurt Germany

  • Anynomous
    24 October 2023

    Karonga Museum has a new attraction!

  • Anynomous
    11 July 2023

    The delegation of museum professionals and scholars from Switzerland and Germany (see post below from April 5th) were invited by journalist Rudovicko NYIRENDA of RADIO DINOSAUR, Karonga, to join his show “What is happening in the community“ in the evening of January 9. 2016. The guest were first interviewed by the journalists and then the radio audience itself had the chance to ask questions to the guests. The local people showed great interest in the activities of the international visitors and posed some rather difficult questions which made the guests sweat even more than the evening heat in the studio of Radio Dinosaur.

  • Anynomous
    23 June 2023

    We will provide all relevant information for the public at Karonga Museum shortly! In the meantime: sign this campaign - it takes only two minutes!

  • Anynomous
    04 June 2023

    Permaculture makes a lot of sense! Permaculture is a way of gardening or growing food involving natural patterns and life-cycles. It´s simply the best way to grow cheap and healthy food plus it´s sustainable and good for nature as it keeps the soil healthy in the long run while saving resources and labour. Find more information at Kusamala Institute or via google, it´s worth it.

  • Anynomous
    29 May 2023

    Design workshop at Miracle Technical Institute. One week before Christmas, a four day design workshop took place at Miracle Technical Institute in Karonga. It was the third time that Julia Danckworth, a designer and carpenter from Germany (Handwert Möbeldesign), conducted a training with a group of graduates and apprentices from the school which belongs to Chaminade. They developed appropriate methods for the particular supply conditions in Karonga, on how to best implement t...he principles of design to take advantage of its creative and economic importance to cabinet making. In the continuing spirit of learning and working together, the workshop was based on theoretical and practical exercises that enables the participants to think in new ways to sketch and make furniture.

    Before, similar workshops were conducted in coorperation with the Cultural Museum Centre Karonga to realize the media corner of the memory project 'Living Legends', to expand the exhibition hall of the museum on modern history.

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