Reliving The Sacra Infermeria is a museum, located at Old Hospital Street, Valletta, VLT. [read more]
Great Siege Of Malta And The Knights Of St. John is a museum, located at Quarry Wharf, Valletta, VLT. [read more]
Manoel Theatre & Museum is a museum, located at Old Theater Street, Valletta, VLT 1426. They can be contacted via phone at +356 2122 2618 for more detailed information. [read more]
Biagio Steps Museum is a museum, located at Saint Mark Street, Valletta, VLT. They can be contacted via phone at +356 2122 8594 for more detailed information. [read more]
Fortress Interpretation Centre is a museum, located at Saint Mark Street, Valletta, VLT. [read more]
Muzew Nazzjonali Tal-Arkeologija is a museum, located at Triq ir-Repubblika, Valletta, VLT 1112. They can be contacted via phone at +356 2122 1623 for more detailed information. [read more]
Mużew Nazzjonali tal-Arti is a museum, located at Triq Nofs in-Nhar, Valletta, VLT 1101. They can be contacted via phone at +356 2122 5769 for more detailed information. [read more]
Muża is a museum, located at Triq il-Merkanti, Valletta, VLT. They can be contacted via phone at +356 2122 0006 for more detailed information. . [read more]
The Fortress Builders – Fortifications Interpretation Centre – instytucja upowszechniania wiedzy o fortyfikacjach Malty. Mieści się w XVI-wiecznym magazynie, stojącym obok bastionu św. [read more]
Zbrojownia Pałacowa – kolekcja uzbrojenia, znajdująca się w Pałacu Wielkiego Mistrza w Valletcie na Malcie. Była to główna zbrojownia Zakonu Joannitów w XVII i XVIII wieku, jak.. [read more]
Das Fort St Elmo ist eine während der Zeit der Herrschaft des Johanniterordens von 1670 bis 1693 erbaute Festung auf Malta. Das auf einer Halbinsel zwischen dem Marsamxett Harbour und dem.. [read more]
Fort Sint-Elmo is een bastion in Valletta op Malta en maakt deel uit van de vele vestingwerken die de Orde van Malta heeft gebouwd rond de Grand Harbour samen met Fort Sint-Michael en.. [read more]
La concattedrale di San Giovanni Battista si trova a La Valletta, ed è la concattedrale dell'arcidiocesi di Malta. Culto San Giovanni Battista patrono dei Cavalieri Ospitalieri. [read more]
St John's Co-Cathedral is a Roman Catholic co-cathedral in Valletta, Malta, dedicated to Saint John the Baptist. It was built by the Order of St. John between 1572 and 1577, having been.. [read more]
Forte Sant'Elmo è un forte che si trova a La Valletta. Prende il nome da Sant'Elmo, Santo patrono dei marinai. StoriaSorto sul sito di un'antica torre di guardia, il primo forte venne costruito.. [read more]
聖埃爾莫要塞(Forti Sant'Iermu)是位於馬爾他首都瓦萊塔的一座要塞。要塞始建於1417年,現在是一個觀光景點。外部連結 National Inventory of the Cultural Property of the Maltese Islands The World Monuments Fund's 2008 Watch listing for Fort St. [read more]
Muzeum Poczty Malty – muzeum poczty w Valletcie na Malcie, prowadzone przez maltańskiego operatora pocztowego MaltaPost, otwarte 17 czerwca 2016 roku. [read more]
Fortifications Interpretation Centre - Fortifications Interpretation Centre is a museum, located at Triq Marsamxett, Valletta, Central Region. They can be contacted via phone at +35621228594 for.. [read more]
Die St. John’s Co-Cathedral ist die Konkathedrale des römisch-katholischen Erzbistums Malta in Valletta. Sie wird als Ko-Kathedrale bezeichnet, da sie als zweiter Sitz des Erzbischofs von.. [read more]
Nativity Museum Malta in collaboration with Associazione Mea Civitas. [read more]
A nostalgic journey through the memories of your childhood. [read more]
A Szent János-társkatedrális Málta legnagyobb és leghíresebb temploma, egyben a római katolikus egyház egyik leghíresebb barokk székesegyháza, a világörökségi Valletta főváros központjában. [read more]
聖ヨハネ准司教座聖堂 (Kon-Katidral ta'.. [read more]
圣若望主教座堂 是罗马天主教在马耳他的主教座堂之一,也是首都瓦莱塔的地标建筑之一。它是由马耳他骑士团兴建于1573年到1578年,为骑士团的修道院教堂,后来随着时间的推移,取得了与姆迪纳总主教座堂平等的地位。在19世纪20年代,马耳他主教获准在姆迪纳之外,可使用圣若望堂作为另一个主教座堂。教堂的设计者是马耳他军事建筑师卡萨尔,他也设计了瓦莱塔其他一些重要建筑。立面圣若望主教座堂的立面很简朴,是在1565年围城结束之后立即建造。内部其内部与立面形成强烈对比,为装饰华丽的巴洛克风格 ,主要出自卡拉布里亚艺术家和骑士马蒂亚普雷蒂之手。普雷蒂设计了雕刻错综复杂的石头墙,拱形的天花板和描绘圣若望生活场景的侧祭台。正门附近有大教長锡耶纳的Marc'Antonio Zondadari的纪念碑,他是教宗亚历山大七世的侄子。小堂圣若望主教座堂内有8个小堂,分别供奉骑士团8个部分的主保圣人。在座堂左侧有以下的小堂:盎格鲁-巴伐利亚小堂原名圣物小堂,保存几个世纪以来骑士团获得的圣物。普罗旺斯小堂供奉圣弥额尔。法国小堂供奉圣保禄。意大利小堂供奉亚历山大的加大肋纳。德国小堂供奉基督显容。在座堂右侧有以下的小堂:圣体小堂原来供奉圣母。奥弗涅小堂供奉圣巴斯弟盎。阿拉贡小堂供奉圣乔治。卡斯蒂利亚、莱昂和葡萄牙小堂供奉圣雅各伯。艺术品该堂最著名的艺术品是卡拉瓦乔的杰作《圣若望被斩首》(1608年)。这是由画家署名的唯一一件画作,应用了明暗对比风格。. [read more]
O Forte de Santo Elmo localiza-se em Valeta, na ilha de Malta. No extremo da península de Valeta, que divide os portos naturais de Marsamxett e Grand Harbour, a sua primitiva função era a.. [read more]
Фо́рт Свято́го Э́льма — старинная крепость в Валлетте, Мальта. Своё название получила в честь.. [read more]
Der Großmeisterpalast, von den Maltesern nur il-Palazz (deutsch: der Palast) genannt, ist ein im 16. Jahrhundert errichteter Palast in der maltesischen Hauptstadt Valletta. [read more]
Pałac Wielkich Mistrzów – zabytkowy pałac w Valletcie na Malcie. Mieści się tu urząd prezydenta. Do 4 maja 2015 miał tu również swoje posiedzenia Parlament Malty, przeniesiony teraz na nowe miejsce. [read more]
The National War Museum is a museum located in Fort Saint Elmo in the city of Valletta, Malta. It is one of the most popular museums in Malta. From 1975 to 2014, its collection mainly focused.. [read more]
The War HQ is a vast underground labyrinth spread over an area of 28000 square meters. It was built by the British and was used between 1940 and 1977. [read more]
Gozo Nature Museum is a museum, located at Triq il-Kwartier ta’ San Martin, VCT 1883 Rabat, Central Region. They can be contacted via phone at +35621556153 for more detailed information. [read more]
63 Old Mint Street Valletta VLT 1518 Telephone: 21231515 http://www. patrimonju. org/patrimonju/home. aspx https://instagram. com/fondazzjoni. patrimo. [read more]
De Sint-Janscokathedraal is een 16e-eeuwse kathedraal in Valletta, de hoofdstad van Malta. Deze rijk versierde kerk van de Orde van Malta is een bekend voorbeeld van de barok. [read more]
Malta Aviation Museum is an aircraft museum situated on the site of the former Royal Air Force airfield in the village of Ta'Qali, on the island of Malta. [read more]
Le Musée national de la guerre est un musée situé à La Valette (Malte). Ses collections portent sur la période postérieure à 1798, majoritairement sur la Première et la Seconde Guerre mondiale. [read more]