
MaltaUncovered.com goes beyond the basic travel guides that tell you of sun, sea and holidays; it delves into Malta's unique blend of culture, history and warm hospitality that’s hard to find elsewhere.


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Hi there! I’m Ed, a tourist-turned-expat who’s been living in Malta for over a decade. Although I was born and raised in Holland, my Maltese roots have always connected me to this little gem in the heart of the Mediterranean.

No country is without flaw, but the uniqueness of Malta always fascinated me and outweighed the negatives. Which is what brought me to create www.MaltaUncovered.com.

I started out with a small site (GuideToMalta.net) where I’d collect info and recommendations I’d give friends and relatives who were looking to pay Malta a visit. It turned out my collection of tidbits actually attracted a bit of an audience and MaltaUncovered.com was born.

What can you expect from MaltaUncovered.com?

My mission is to reach curious travellers around the world and introduce them to Malta. Not the commercial version of Malta, but the side of Malta that isn’t talked about much online: A unique blend of culture, history and a warm hospitality that’s hard to find elsewhere.

I don’t do advertorials and sponsored posts; what you get from my site is genuinely based on my own experiences. I am doing this simply because I want to help other avid travellers who want to get the most out of their visit on this little rock.

You can support my mission by sharing my site with your friends.

I’ve also written and published a detailed travel guide on Malta’s capital city, Valletta to help travellers make the most out of their stay in the city – be it for a day or a longer stay. You can find the eBook here: http://www.maltauncovered.com/valletta-capital-city/travel-guide-ebook/

You can reach me here: http://www.maltauncovered.com/contact/


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