Gozo Federation Persons with Disability is located at Triq Tal-Far, Victoria, Gozo, Malta
Gozo Disability Services
Co-ordinator's Office
Serves as a central source of information about services and support available to persons with disabilities and their families.
Provides advice and Suggestions to address the specific needs for residents with disabilities living in Gozo and to improve the necessary services.
Plans and oversees the implementation and coordination of disability programmes, policies and other initiatives in Gozo.
Educates and raise awareness towards the inclusion of persons with disabilities within the society.
Iservi bħala sors ċentrali ta’ informazzjoni dwar servizzi u sapport għall-persuni b’diżabilita` u l-familji tagħhom.
Jipprovdi pariri u suġġerimenti sabiex jiġu ndirrizati l-ħtiġijiet speċifiċi tar-residenti b’diżabilita` Għawdxin u jara li jiġu mtejba s-servizzi meħtieġa ghall-istess residenti u l-familji tagħhom.
Jippjana u jissorvelja l-implimentazzjoni u l-koordinament ta’ proġetti, programmi, policies u inizjattivi oħra relatati mad-diżabilita` f’Għawdex.
Jeduka u joħloq kuxjenza favur l-inklużjoni tal-persuni b’diżabilita` fis-soċjeta.
Tags : #NonGovernmentalOrganizationNgo, #PublicService, #SocialService, #NonGovernmentalOrganization(ngo)
Location :
Triq Tal-Far, Victoria, Gozo
Added by
Jopie, at 01 January 2020