Fondazzjoni U (Xandir Socio-Religjuz) is a philanthropic organization focusing on social, religious, educational and humanitarian aid. Fondazzjoni U operates through the media and is mainly dedicated to fundraising and supporting the needs of the community. For the last few years, the Foundation has been organizing fundraising activities for the Maltese Missionaries serving the world. This year we are supporting missionary works in India, Pakistan, Philippines, Albania, Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda.
Fondazzjoni U was established on 19th December 2005 as Fondazzjoni Nghinu lil Hutna fil-Bzonn, a voluntary organization for the Christian community in Malta and Gozo. Its mission is to listen and assist those individuals and groups mostly in need and to contribute with the use of media, towards the evangelization of the local community. Since 2005 FNĦB main activities were focused on fundraising activities and TV campaigns in favour of individuals in need as well as the religious and community services.
On 20th January 2011 all members of Fondazzjoni Nghinu lil Hutna fil-bzonn, unanimously voted to change the name of Fondazzjoni Nghinu lil Hutna fil-bzonn to FONDAZZJONI U XANDIR SOCIO-RELIGJUZ. The new name of the foundation reflects more the objectives of the Foundation.
• We believe it is a prerogative of the Roman Catholic Community in Malta to have a local TV station that broadcasts religious services of a Roman Catholic nature, given this is the major and most influential religious movement in Malta.
• We believe that the Roman Catholic community in Malta is short of adequate exposure on the local media.
• We believe that the demand for religious services on the media has increased significantly making it a pressing concern.
• We believe that local broadcasts should give sensitive topics such as Catholic values and the word of God in the New Testament the adequate importance, and in particular the theme of living the religion in sync with the current trends of the Maltese society.
• We believe our TV station should support and promote the evangelization of the Maltese community and ecumenical development.
• Our TV programmes shall aim to safeguard the human dignity of all those at risk of social exclusion and social failure.
• Our productions shall aim to focus on social, educational, cultural and religious themes, but first and foremost, on productions leading to spiritual fulfillment.
• UTV intends to promote the fundamental principles of human rights, in particular the right for life in all stages of the human existence.
• UTV intends to promote and broadcast television programmes based on theological content and Roman Catholic principles.
• U TV intends to bring consciousness about living one’s faith and about being a good Catholic in the Maltese society.
• UTV intends to develop media content of an educational nature for the formation and assertiveness of one’s Catholicism.
• UTV will be broadcasting religious news on the work performed by the Archdiocese of Malta and the Catholic community in the world.
• UTV will be broadcasting live or recorded mass services and other church functions.
• UTV will be broadcasting religious programmes and audio-visual material deriving from foreign religious stations, in particular those inspired by Roman Catholic beliefs.
• UTV will be educating on the meanings of the liturgy and its importance in one’s living.
• UTVwill be giving adequate opportunities for its viewers to contribute personally and get involved in our programmes.
• UTV fully supports Fondazzjoni U (Xandir Socio-Religjuz) in its various initiatives, including the Helpline, its website and fundraising events organized for humanitarian purposes and the community services.
Further information is available on our page -
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