happy mothers day
the new ever blue bar
il-barman tal-Ever Blue bar ta Santa Venera jixtieq jawgura il-milied u s-sena tajba lil kulhadd
On the 12th of December there is going to be an open bar including food in the Ever Blue Bar. Time: 21:00 till 01.00. Places are limited, maximum number of people is 30. Helicopters are first priority, see you there :)
Nhar is-sibt 29 ta novembru fejn iccelebrajna il-birthday ta carmel drugo
Fid-29 ta Novembru il-habib taghna Carmel Id-DruGo Said ha jicelebra il birthday fl ever blue pub St.Venera.Il-helikopters kollha mistiedna, iggibux hafna fjuri minhabba li jbati bil-hayfever.Narawkom hemm
Such a sucessful night Well done everybody 1-11-2014
Next Saturday 1st of November, Freddie Mercury will be returning to the Ever Blue Bar.The show will start from 9:30p.m onwards See you there :)
Saturday Night at The Ever Blue Bar Festa Santa Venera 2014
Yesterday Night at the Ever Blue Bar St.Venera Festa St.Venera 2014
B'risq il-festa ta' Santa Venera nhar it-23 ta lulju ser ikun hemm l-bbq li naghmel kull sena u ghal dan kulhadd mistieden. Wara s-Sibt 26 ta' Lulju se jkun hemm karaoke night Narakom il-kazin tal-PN Santa Venera - Ever Blue Bar
B'risq il festa ta' Santa venera nhar l-Erbgha 23 ta' lulju se jittella BBQ fl-Ever Blue bar. il-hbieb kollha mistednin minghand il-barman, grazzi u narakom