Offering artists, creatives & artisans a unique opportunity to exhibit, sell & have their work promoted in our new space in Victoria, Gozo and online on our soon to be launched Creative Rebel.. [read more]
'QUID EGO? Ghaliex jien?'. . . huwa dramm tal-passjoni b'differenza taht forma ta' Walkthrough fix-Xelter taht l-iskola ta' Had-Dingli. Dramm b'messagg qawwi!. [read more]
On demand I create the design and finish articles. Can even present your own design and I do the items. Specialise on traditional skills as weaving spinning, macrame' and rope making. [read more]
Fair Trade Art Gallery showcasing unique art pieces from all around the world. . [read more]
"Let art find you" is Arthall motto’s to bring art to a wider audience that traditionally has not been included in the art scene. Arthall focused on selling and promoting contemporary and.. [read more]
Welcome to the official facebook page of the Teatru tal-Opra Aurora - the Aurora Opera House - of Victoria, Gozo. www. teatruaurora. com. [read more]
A theatre in Victoria, Gozo which houses an annual opera and a musical. International fame tenor Joseph Callejja made his debut in the same theatre in 1997. [read more]