Tuscany Home Design si occupa della vendita di rifinuture di interni per la vostra casa. . [read more]
With over 10 years of experience specialising in Projects from Construction to Finishing stages, we have worked for both Local private residences and International companies. [read more]
For all types of car air conditioning refill, servicing and repair. . [read more]
Members' Committee of AIESEC in Malta page, for internal network communication. . [read more]
Available items: Stationery & Newspapers (local and foreign) Costume Jewellery, Home Decorating Gifts, Snacks, Toys, Games & Soft Toys Batteries Greeting Cards & Wrapping Paper for all.. [read more]
AIESEC is a global youth-led organization striving to achieve peace and fulfillment of humankind’s potential by activating leadership qualities in youth. [read more]
World Cup Village - Screening of live World Cup matches at SmartCity Malta - FREE ENTRANCE. [read more]
Capuchin Convent Battery, also known as Kalkara Battery, was an artillery battery in Kalkara, Malta, built by Maltese insurgents during the French blockade of 1798-1800. [read more]
Assoċjazzjoni Wirt il-Kalkara hija NGO bl-għan prinċipali li sservi ta' pjattaforma għal inizjattivi immirati lejn aktar għarfien tar-raħal tal-Kalkara u twettiq ta' proġetti immirati għall-komunità. [read more]
Attivitajiet u laqgħat organizzati mis-Soċjetà tal-Museum fil-Kalkara. Għal aktar informazzjoni nħeġġukom tiġu sal-Museum. . [read more]
To promote the services offered to the community and to spread the message of St Francis. [read more]
Yacht Haulage - Repairs -Refits - Alterations Pontoon berthing also available : https://www. facebook. com/kalkaramarina. [read more]
We offer berthing facilities on pontoons. Kindly call on 356 21661306 for availability. Berthing assistance (direct): 356 99689794 www. kalkaramarina. [read more]
Kalkara United Football Club and Youth Nursery is a voluntary organisation founded in 2004. Its most recent success was winning the 3rd Division to get promoted to 2nd Division in 2017. [read more]
Support services for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans*, intersex and questioning individuals, their family and friends. . [read more]
Il-Grupp tal-Armar 6 huwa responsabli li jarma l-armar tal-parrocca fiz-zmien il-festa titulari ta' San Nikola li tigi iċċelebrata fl-aħħar Ħadd ta' Ġunju. [read more]
F'din il-paġna ħa nibdew nuru ix-xogħol li jsir matul is-sena fl-imħażen tagħna kif ukoll l-armar u r-restawr ta' dak li għandna fil-knisja, kif ukoll dak l-armar li jkun qed isir.. [read more]
"Agħmlu dan b'tifkira tiegħi!" (Lq 22, 10b). [read more]
Il-paġna uffiċjali tal-Parroċċa tal-Immakulata Kunċizzjoni, fil-Ħamrun. . [read more]
Parroċċa Santa Venera - hija l-paġna uffiċjali ta' Facebook f'isem il-Parroċċa Santa Venera. . [read more]
Il-paġna uffiċċjali tal-Parroċċa tal-Viżitazzjoni fl-Għarb Għawdex. . [read more]
Merħba fil-paġna tal-Parroċċa ta' San Nikola fis-Siġġiewi. Nistednuk issegwi din il-paġna u s-sit uffiċjali www. siggiewiparish. com. [read more]
Come try our tasty food ! We make deliveries too! Simply, just call on 27131313 and we delivery your food to wherever you want!. [read more]
Opening hours from monday to thursday from 8. 00am to 22. 00pm and friday saturday and sunday from 8. 00am till late !!!. [read more]
Passion 2 Sport is a new organisation whose aim is to promote a professional attitude towards sports and to educate towards a healthy lifestyle. Personal training sessions held every Tuesdays.. [read more]
Sightseeing, Lifestyle, activities and points of interest in Gozo and Malta and nearby Mediterranean countries as well as natural beauty,seascapes, architecture, food, religious festivals.. [read more]
Independent, freelance planner offering a broad range of professional services in the urban planning field with specialisation in transport planning. [read more]
Hairdresser at the comfort of your home. . [read more]
Private boat charters onboard a comfortable 35ft sports cruiser, the Cranchi Endurance 35. Follow sea_malta on Instagram to view the beautiful spots we visit around the maltese archipelago �. [read more]
Daqqa t'iD hija fondazzjoni li tgħin lil min hu veru fil-bżonn. . [read more]
M-Force Garage, located at V 17 , Binja San Guzepp Haddiem , Triq Indri Psaila, QRM4000 Tal-Ħandaq, Central Region. They can be contacted via phone at +356 79272897 for more detailed information. [read more]
carpenter with over 20 years of manufacturing wood things. [read more]
Tutto Casa- The shop where you find a wide selection of Kitchen and Household items at best prices. Situated at Triq San Guzeppi Labre Victoria Gozo. . [read more]
Professional Photographic Services, since 1953. [read more]
A place where people come to pray for the families,for the sanctification of the clergy and the holy souls in purgatory. . [read more]
A beauty therapist doing waxing , facial , make up and manicure :) A facial for only 25 euros. . . waxing upperlip and eyebrows 3 euros. . . make up for a day make up 10 euros and manciure for.. [read more]