The Parish Church of the Assumption, commonly known as the Rotunda of Mosta or the Mosta Dome, is a Roman Catholic parish church in Mosta, Malta, dedicated to the Assumption of Mary. [read more]
Seminary Malta (Is-Seminarju tal-Arċisqof) official facebook page. www. seminary. org. mt. [read more]
St Francis of Assisi Church, dedicated to St Francis of Assisi (San Franġisk t'Assisi), in Valletta (the capital city of Malta), was built in 1598 and was completed by 1607. [read more]
The Sanctuary of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart in Sliema, Malta was founded in 1877, and has been a parish church since 1918. HistoryThe church was built on the initiative of Fr. [read more]
Marsaskala Parish is a church, located at Ufficcju Parrokkjali, 4, Triq San Gorg, MSK 1030 Marsaskala. They can be contacted via phone at 21636704 for more detailed information. [read more]
The Basilica of Our Lady of Mount Carmel is a Roman Catholic church in the Maltese capital Valletta on the island of Malta. It is part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site, which includes the.. [read more]
St Paul's Pro-Cathedral, officially The Pro-Cathedral and Collegiate Church of Saint Paul, is an Anglican pro-cathedral of the Diocese in Europe situated in Independence Square, Valletta, Malta. [read more]
The Metropolitan Cathedral of Saint Paul, commonly known as St. Paul's Cathedral or the Mdina Cathedral, is a Roman Catholic cathedral in Mdina, Malta, dedicated to St. [read more]
St John's Co-Cathedral is a Roman Catholic co-cathedral in Valletta, Malta, dedicated to Saint John the Baptist. It was built by the Order of St. John between 1572 and 1577, having been.. [read more]
Merħba fil-paġna uffiċċjali dwar il-ħajja tal-Parroċċa ddedikata lil San Publju, Isqof, Prinċep u Martri ġewwa l-Floriana. . [read more]
Din hija l-paġna uffiċjali tal-Għaqda Festa Madonna tal-Karmnu li torganizza l-festi esterni ad unur il-Madonna tal-Karmnu, inkluż l-armar li jżejjen il-Belt Valletta. [read more]
Il-Knisja ta' Santa Marija ta' Ġesu' - Ir-Rabat Il-Patrijiet Minuri li ġew Malta minn Sqallija fl-1492, bnew l-ewwel kunvent tagħhom hawn u sal-1500 kienu bnew il-Knisja Gotika tagħhom.. [read more]
The Church of St Andrew is a Roman Catholic Parish church located in Luqa, Malta. Early timesThe first time that the church of St Andrew of Luqa was mentioned was towards the end of the 15th.. [read more]
Paġna Uffiċjali tal-Knisja Katidrali ta' Għawdex http://gozocathedral. org. mt/. [read more]