. To preach and teach GOD’s words THE BIBLE. 2. To baptize the people,who believe in jesus christ according to the bible in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit,.. [read more]
The Church of the Nativity of Our Lady more commonly known in Maltese as Ta' Savina is a church situated in the heart of Victoria, Gozo Malta. OriginsThe original church was one of the.. [read more]
Din il-paġna isservi sabiex tkunu tafu bl-attivitajiet li jkunu se jsiru fiċ-ċentru parrokjali Sant'Antnin f'tas-Sliema, kif ukoll fil-Parroċċa tagħna. [read more]
La cathédrale Saint-Pierre-et-Saint-Paul de Mdina (couramment appelée « cathédrale Saint-Paul ») est une cathédrale catholique, église principale de l’archidiocèse catholique de.. [read more]
Victory House is a religious organization under the umbrella of The Redeemed Christian Church of God. Victory House is located in Malta Follow us on Telegram: https://t. [read more]
La Chiesa di Santa Caterina d'Alessandria è una chiesa cattolica romana situata a La Valletta, a Malta. . [read more]
Due to Lockdown, the weekly meetings below are held online via Zoom. Please send an email for connection details. Mon - Prayer meeting 7pm Wed - Bible Study 7pm The Sunday service link is posted.. [read more]
La basilique Saint-Georges est une basilique catholique du diocèse de Gozo située à Rabat, sur l'île de Gozo (Malte). HistoriqueLe début de la construction de la basilique date de 1672 ou.. [read more]
Funeral Services day & night 79 912 912 - 2722 3394. [read more]
The Church of St Barbara is a Roman Catholic church situated in Valletta, Malta. The church was built to service the spiritual needs of the knights of Provence. [read more]
UOF - share your faith - listen to others' stories - discover more about what you believe - never stop searching. . [read more]
The Church of Our Lady of Damascus is a Greek Byzantine Catholic Church church in Valletta, Malta. It is also called Id-Damaxxena. Original ChurchThe original church was built upon the request.. [read more]
A Igreja de Nossa Senhora das Vitórias foi a primeira igreja a ser construída em Valeta, Malta. O corpo de Jean Parisot de la Valette esteve aí sepultado até à Igreja de São João estar concluída. [read more]
The Stella Maris Parish Church is a Roman Catholic parish located in Sliema, Malta. It is the matrice of the other parish churches in Sliema and Gżira being the oldest parish church dating from 1878. [read more]
Fondazzjoni Paulus promotes Maltese sacred music and organises the annual Rabat Agape Festival. . [read more]
More info please visit FB page Vince Antoinette Fenech or website www. fullgospel. eu God bless you. [read more]
Promoting Parish transformation to Missionary Parish through the Cells of Evangelisation. A service to parish priests and Catholic Parishes. . [read more]
The Church of St Philip of Agira is a Roman Catholic Parish church located in Ħaż-Żebbuġ, Malta. Original ChurchThe original church was built on a land belonging to Filippo de Catania,.. [read more]
The Franciscan Church of St Mary of Jesus is a church in Valletta, Malta, which is dedicated to St Mary of Jesus and is cared for by the religious order of Friars Minor. [read more]
The Church of Our Lady of Pompei is a Roman Catholic, Dominican church in Victoria, Gozo, Malta. HistoryThe church was built to serve the Dominican sisters whose monastery they have adjacent to.. [read more]
Званична страница Српске Православне Цркве на Малти. . [read more]
Merhba fil-pagna tal-Parrocca tal-Gzira. Din il-pagna se tinzamm aggornata b'diversi informazzjoni fuq laqghat tal-Ghaqdiet, avvizi w informazzjoni ohra. [read more]
La procatedral de San Pablo es un procatedral anglicana situada en la Plaza Independencia, en la ciudad de La Valeta, la capital de Malta. Una "procatedral", es una iglesia con rango de catedral,.. [read more]
Katedra Świętego Pawła w Mdinie (ang. The Metropolitan Cathedral of Saint Paul, malt. Il-Katidral Metropolitan ta’ San Pawl) – główna świątynia katolicka archidiecezji maltańskiej. [read more]
De Sint-Janscokathedraal is een 16e-eeuwse kathedraal in Valletta, de hoofdstad van Malta. Deze rijk versierde kerk van de Orde van Malta is een bekend voorbeeld van de barok. [read more]
Every Sunday arrange Catholic Mass for Urdu and Hindi speaking community in Malta. . [read more]
The Facebook Page of the Parish of St. Lucy in Mtarfa. Parish Priest - Rev. René Vella. . [read more]
Din hija l-pagna ufficjali tal-Parrocca ta' Santa Marija f'Birkirkara, maghrufa ahjar bhala "l-Knisja l-Qadima". . [read more]
St. Paul's Shipwreck Collegiate Church in Valletta Malta. [read more]
Hija xewqa tagħna li bħala parroċċa nwasslu ħsibijiet u informazzjoni lilkom ilkoll. Nittamaw li din il-paġna ssibuha utli fil-mixja tagħkom mal-Mulej. [read more]
The Parish of Fleur-de-Lys is dedicated to our Lady of Mount Carmel. The Parish Area was established on 25th January 1975. . [read more]
Bormla saret parroċċa fl-1586 u l-knisja hi kolleġġjata mil-1822. Il-kwadru titular ġie nkurunat mill-Kardinal Ferrata fl-1905. . [read more]
Kappillan: Dun Marc Andrè Camilleri Tel: +356 21695022 Fax: +356 21805955 e-mail: paolaparish@yahoo. com Office Hours Monday & Wednesday 9:30 am to 11:00 am and 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm. [read more]
Il-knisja ddedikata lill-Konverżoni ta’ San Pawl għażluha biex tkun dik Parrokkjali minn fost knejjes oħra żgħar li kien hemm fir-raħal. Twaqqfu malajr żew. [read more]
Din hija l-paġna ewlenija u uffiċċjali tal-Kumitat Festa Sant’ Elena. Il-kumitat jitmexxa mill-Prokuratur tal-Festa u hu ffurmat minn rappreżentanti tal-għaqdiet u gruppi parrokkjali.. [read more]
The Robert Samut Hall is a late 19th century defunct Methodist church, formerly named Wesleyan (Methodist) Church, now a state owned building in Floriana, Malta. [read more]