數碼通是澳門首屈一指的流動通訊服務供應商,透過優質及全網覆蓋澳門的GSM/3G/4G/HSPA+網絡,提供話音、多媒體及數據服務,以滿足流動市場的需要。. [read more]
Macau, also spelled Macao, officially the Macao Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China, is an autonomous region on the western side of the Pearl River estuary in East Asia. [read more]
二十年家庭式葡餐老店,馳名阿里巴巴雞扒飯,咖喱崩沙牛腩,薯絲炒馬介休,葡式豬頸肉,薯茸焗馬介休. [read more]
Modern global vegetarian dishes made daily with love, with a strong emphasis of using local and organic whole food :) 健康美味,吃貨素食 ;) 每日愛心新鮮準備,支持有機無添加全食材. [read more]
Water Babies. Swim & Spa is a spa, located at 澳門噶地利亞街9號和豐大厦地下B座. They can be contacted via phone at 28313763 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Hi all & welcome to my facebook website, here you will find informations on my professional life with picture of my dishes, special events, competitions, videos for you enjoy and share. [read more]
澳門的首間冷壓鮮榨果汁店 提供健康新派輕食,新鮮烘焙食品(無麩質/素食)和冷榨果汁等有營養食品。彩用全天然食材,每天新鮮制做。不含任何防腐劑, 精製糖,人造色素。. [read more]
重整業務及搬遷,暫停營業 wechat:foodie_3macau 電話(+853)62290988. [read more]
澳門專業模特兒及娛藝活動策劃公司. [read more]
We create videos all about exploration and discovering breathtaking places, food, photography locations and cultures. We primarily produce fun, entertaining and informative social media.. [read more]
East Asia’s premier league with top teams from Greater China, Japan, South Korea, and the Philippines. . [read more]
The Official Fan page of StarWorld Macau. [read more]
本頁提供大量金峰南岸優質樓盤租售,每日更新!免費估價及推廣!歡迎金峰南岸業主委託放盤!Specialized in One Oasis apartment Rentals and Sales, our service helps you find the ideal property in no time. [read more]
手工純銀 首飾零售 銀飾創作 客製訂造 維修保養. [read more]
The Official Page of Galaxy Macau. Discover Galaxy Macau’s extraordinary, unlimited leisure experiences, with exclusive access to amazing resort attractions, delicious dining, luxurious.. [read more]
Warehouse scale, free roam, multiplayer Virtual Reality. . [read more]
AJIAJ Apothecary 致力為顧客在全世界搜羅天然高效的護膚產品。. [read more]
we provide Airline Ticket for the ff airlines (Cebu,PAL,Tiger,AirAsia,JetStar) PHILLIPINE PRODUCTS are available in they're 4 branches (macau/taipa) Restaurant LUTONG BAHAY (2 branches) TAKE.. [read more]
澳門十六浦FACEBOOK官方專頁 Ponte 16 Macao Official Fans Page. [read more]
A 5-star French luxury international hotel in Macau located in the city centre with walking distance to St. Paul's Ruins and Senado Square!. [read more]
Baptiste Brichon Pâtisserie 由法國星級糕點師傅 Baptiste Brichon 主理 曾在法國、倫敦、澳洲當地米芝連餐廳任職,前cacao 糕點師傅。. [read more]
凱旋門咖啡廳 is a restaurant, located at Taipa. [read more]
"Yoga Light " provides us a graceful atmosphere to relax our mind, stretch our body and balance our daily life in one united spirit. . [read more]
The new landmark of Macau!. [read more]
旗緣旗袍體驗店為兩位定居澳門的台灣女孩,在澳門開設的首間旗袍體驗店;期待到訪澳門的旅人能夠穿著旗袍,感受澳門在中葡四百年交融的淬煉!. [read more]
富利咖啡屋 is a cafe, located at 長壽大馬路493號新寶花園地下E鋪. They can be contacted via phone at 28420133 for more detailed information. . [read more]
睛品眼鏡. [read more]
本中藥房始於1996年,於黑沙環祐漢經營參茸海味,中藥材。近年積極研製出各式各樣的湯包,適合一家大小飲用。 現已有駐診中醫生,看病均可使用醫療卷,及具M7收據。. [read more]
為寶寶、媽媽n爸爸們提多優質的服務及產品!搜羅更多得意好玩的玩具及益智遊戲用品! 提供送貨服務,節省更多外出的時間!詳情可加微信或專頁inbox查詢 Wechat: ILOVEBB2014. [read more]
本店由總代理商直接經營,銷售全球10個國家、超過20個國際知名孕嬰幼兒品牌,由總代理商直接發貨,原廠品質保證!我們會繼續搜羅全球優質產品,將最好的帶給每位媽媽寶貝!. [read more]
經銷各國名牌電器、廚房設計、設備保養. [read more]
本專頁將會與大家分享海味食譜貼士,用簡單輕鬆的方法,令大家輕易成為海味小廚。. [read more]
澳門魔術派對 MAGIC Party Macau,澳門魔術公司,最受歡迎澳門魔術店.澳門生日會,派對場地,生日派對PARTY專家. 提供生日會,澳門派對場地的表演及佈置服務 。包括:澳門魔術表演、專業魔術師. [read more]
One Flower Macau是澳門首間專業認證保鮮花製作工作室,結合麗乾花和押花藝術,突破傳統插花的框框,將花融入生活,透過花傳遞「專屬」的愛。主打客製花禮,花嫁禮品及創意花藝活動 。. [read more]
嬰幼兒用品專門店. [read more]
批發家居清潔除菌用品、汽車美容產品、美日韓台汽車香薰、五金產品、建築防水材料和進口食品,歡迎查詢!. [read more]