Avazz Macau主營各種款式的手錶, 品牌有 精工SEIKO, Armani, Buberry, Gshock,BabyG, 等各式各樣至潮品牌, 務求將最特別的款式收入店內. [read more]
閉路電視 監控 門禁電鎖 電子防盜保安系統 公共廣播 樓宇對講 考勤 電話 電腦機櫃 網線 智能家居 背景音樂 照明 電氣 PA 收銀POS系統 安裝 維修 保養 電話:(澳門) 289 5895 微信:choi-2013. [read more]
Shine Spa - Sheraton Macao Hotel is a lodging, located at Level 3, Sheraton Macao Hotel, Cotai Central, Sands Cotai Central. [read more]
氹仔官也街官也墟 is a store, located at 氹仔官也街33號至35號地下, 853 Kwun Tong, Hong Kong. [read more]
店舖地址:澳門新埗頭橫街2B鋪(新馬路金碧文娛中心對面路口直入) wechat:fourBclub 4bclubmacau@gmail. com 營業時間:星期一,二,四,五(16:30-20:00),六,日(15:00-21:00)逢週三休息 中銀戶口:00183101100433347. [read more]
安德魯花園咖啡 is a cafe, located at G/F C Houston Court 21 Largo do Matadouro, Coloane. They can be contacted via phone at +85328881851 for more detailed information. [read more]
LA VIDA主打手工啤酒結合台灣料理,採用些許的法式手法!每道料理都是精心設計,貼心的服務,下班後的一杯啤酒,讓你有不一樣的體會. [read more]
Bem-vindos à página oficial do Consulado-Geral de Portugal em Macau e Hong Kong 葡萄牙駐澳門及香港總領事館. [read more]
Cafe E. S. Kimo is a restaurant, located at 澳門商業大馬路友邦廣場1樓AI座, 853 Wanchai, China. They can be contacted via phone at +85328416888 for more detailed information. [read more]
韓國,泰國化妝品及嬰兒代購,online shop,請大家支持. [read more]
Artisan Bakery producing daily fresh bread & pastries & the best Portuguese tarts in Macau! Find us at our Online Store (natabakery. com) or at CUPPACOFFEE. [read more]
The Himalayan House is a restaurant, located at 澳門十月初五街205號地下 (粵通碼頭巴士站後面). They can be contacted via phone at 28933132 for more detailed information. . [read more]
始創於1948年,專營自家製産品,一直深受澳門街坊歡迎,馳名魚滑湯、全澳首創蝦餅包、墨魚餅包、鎮店之寶(龍皇角、蝦膠角)多款美食。真材實料,品質保證。. [read more]
碼頭總店營業時間 07:00~20:00 筷子基分店營業時間 11:00~23:00. [read more]
澳門首家日式美甲店, 由日本RAPIGEL講師,JNEC,JNA認證美甲師主理。店內美甲師皆接受系統化的崗前培訓才能服務客人, 保證客人體驗的都是日式美甲。令作品達到100%的精緻度. [read more]
價格優惠合理,用心設計,細心跟進每一項工程。歡迎親臨參觀現場。 電話或Whatsapp 66762099, 66806412, 66873604. [read more]
Dessert store. [read more]
Bistro D'indochine is a lovely little venue located in downtown Macau,. [read more]
Pull&Bear is a clothing store, located at The Venetian Macao, Estrada da Baia de Nossa Senhora da Esperanca, Macao Macao, China 0, 0 Macau. They can be contacted via phone at +85328866684 for.. [read more]
CRAXH致力於澳門提供多媒體製作方案,以網頁設計、立體及平面動畫製作、影片攝製、視覺特效為核心業務。瀏覽網站查看我們的精彩作品案例:http://craxh. mo. [read more]
「toGathering Party」聚友營為您提供一個舒適、好玩嘅澳門派對場地,共有4間不同主題party room。唱K、麻雀、打機、桌遊乜都有! 可提供團體聚會、場地租用、場景拍攝等服務。 歡迎預約查詢。. [read more]
AF Macao offers French program for adult and children, onsite or online. Group class or private class, as well as tailor made programs for institutions and companies. [read more]
美國減價活動信息平台, 以及接受代購美國貨品. 美國售價公開, 可放心購買, 歡迎查詢. 詳情可inbox. [read more]
想小朋友輕鬆學好英文,其實唔難,我們採用小班全英教學,互動教學,加強英語會話能力,更邀請外籍老師作客與學生交流。(預約免費試堂,請致電63966088/66655910). [read more]
屬於澳門人既精品店, 盡心盡力搜集最新最潮精品比大家. [read more]
漁人碼頭 和花亭 is a restaurant, located at 宋玉生廣場(皇朝)漁人碼頭開普敦館日本北海道食品館地下. They can be contacted via phone at 2872 5610 for more detailed information. . [read more]
春秋火鍋 is a restaurant, located at 澳門漁人碼頭勵庭海景酒店一樓. They can be contacted via phone at 87996350 for more detailed information. . [read more]
BKS Iyengar Yoga Association of Macau (澳門艾揚格瑜伽會);BKS Iyengar Yoga Institute of Macau (澳門艾揚格瑜伽學院). . [read more]
Design & Fashion. [read more]
Pizza. Cocktails. Music. [read more]
本會為非牟利團體,宗旨為團結本澳體育教師,推廣各項體育活動,達致全民運動,並且提供平台予各會員之間,以致與本澳以外的體育教師交流。. [read more]
澳門銀葵醫院. [read more]
WORKING IN PROGRESS. . . 在日本/ 美國等地為客人訂購潮流精品, 誠信至上,致力為各位客人訂到心頭好 聯絡方式: Wechat: 853-63607435 IG: Progress Macau. [read more]
Wynn Palace is a magnificent, floral-themed luxury integrated resort located in Cotai, Macau. 以花卉為主題的永利皇宮為大型華麗綜合度假村,位於澳門路氹的優越地段。. [read more]
澳門紋身店,兩名主理澳門紋身師曾於世界各地獲奬及擔任比賽評判,澳門紋身師持有英國紋身牌照,符合英國衛生標準。. [read more]
> 👉🏻只此一間,別無分店!👈🏻 客服1 -- WECHAT:CrazyBuffet2 客服2 -- WECHAT:CrazyBuffet3 (已滿人) 客服3 -- WECHAT:CrazyBuffet (已滿人) 店1地址:白馬行雅明商場 店2地址:聚龍軒中. [read more]