Name:Телевиз, радио засвар & Хүнс барааны дэлгүүрShop:ConvenienceCraft:ElectricianA person or company that works with electricity or electrical systems. [read more]
Name:Мишээл хүнсний дэлгүүрShop:Supermarket. [read more]
Name:Авто тээвэр зохицуулах байгууллагаShop:Car. [read more]
Name:Hair SalonShop:HairdresserOperator:Grace. [read more]
Shop:ConvenienceName En:Chunsnij DelguurName Mn:Хунсний Дэлгуур. [read more]
Amenity:RestaurantName En:AvargaName Mn:АваргаOpening Hours:24/7. [read more]
Name:Солонго хүнсний дэлгүүрAmenity:Marketplace. [read more]
Name:Хувцас барааны дэлгүүрShop:Yes. [read more]
Name:Цагаан усны 2-р гудамжHighway:Street Lamp. [read more]
Name:Түүхий эдийн захAmenity:Marketplace. [read more]
Name:Наран кафе & КараокеAmenity:Restaurant. [read more]
Name:Ард даатгалOffice:InsuranceAn office at which you can take out insurance policies. . [read more]
Name:Монгол Ардын Намын байрOffice:Political PartyAn office of a political party. [read more]
Name:Game CenterAmenity:Community Centre. [read more]
Name:Төмөр замын харъяа спорт заалLeisure:Sports CentreA sports centre is a distinct facility where sports take place within an enclosed area. . [read more]
Name:Чөлөөт талбай. [read more]
Name:Дугуй супермаркетShop:Supermarket. [read more]
Name:Сансар Хайрхан зочид буудалTourism:HotelHotel - an establishment that provides paid lodging. [read more]
Name:Бичиг хэргийн дэлгүүрShop:Stationery. [read more]
Name:Их Сансар ресторанAmenity:Restaurant. [read more]
Name:Uram ShopShop:Yes. [read more]
Name:Говьсүмбэр аймгийн татварын хэлтэсOffice:GovernmentAn office of a (supra)national, regional or local government agency or departmentGovernment:Tax. [read more]
Name:Боржигин өв музейTourism:MuseumA museum: an institution with exhibitions on scientific, historical, cultural topics. [read more]
Name:Андууд худалдааны төвShop:Department StoreOperator:Андууд худалдааны төв. [read more]
Name:Тулга зоогийн газарAmenity:Restaurant. [read more]
Ele:1669Name:Бага Сансар уулNatural:PeakThe top (summit) of a hill or mountain. . [read more]
Name:Шивээ-Овоо 21-р зөрлөгName En:Shivee-ovoo Train StationRailway:Station. [read more]
Name:Оорцог энгэрName En:Oortsog-engerRailway:StationPublic Transport:StationA station is an area designed to access public transport. . [read more]
Name:Нефть, баазName En:Nepmi BaazTourism:ViewpointA place worth visiting, often high, with a good view of surrounding countryside or notable buildings. [read more]
Name:Говьсүмбэр аймгийн нийгмийн даатгалOffice:InsuranceAn office at which you can take out insurance policies. . [read more]
Name:Нефть баазFixme:Names And LanguagesName En:Nept BaazTourism:ViewpointA place worth visiting, often high, with a good view of surrounding countryside or notable buildings. [read more]
Name:Урьхан зоогийн газарAmenity:Restaurant. [read more]
Name:Урам салонShop:Hairdresser. [read more]
Name:Хаан банкны АТМAmenity:AtmOperator:АТМTimetable:24 цаг. [read more]
Name:Сүмбэр Кабель ХХКAmenity:Community Centre. [read more]
Name:Тохижилт Сүмбэр үйлчилгээний компани. [read more]