Light is a cafe, located at Ulica 7-mi Septemvri, Kavadarci, 1430. [read more]
Caffe Fenix is a cafe, located at Ploshtad Ilinden, Sveti Nikole, 2220. [read more]
Kafe Siti is a cafe, located at Ulica Blagoj Gjorev 89, Veles, 1400. They can be contacted via phone at +389 70 315 063 for more detailed information. [read more]
Pjur kafe is a cafe, located at Ulica Blagoj Gjorev 14, Veles, 1400. They can be contacted via phone at +389 78 274 185 for more detailed information. [read more]
Inboks is a cafe, located at Ulica Alekso Demnievski-Bauman b. b. , Veles, 1401. They can be contacted via phone at +389 78 456 915 for more detailed information. [read more]
Maksimov-komerc is a cafe, located at Ploshtad Ilinden b. b. , Sveti Nikole, 2220. They can be contacted via phone at +389 32 441 209 for more detailed information. [read more]
Digital art inzhinering is a cafe, located at Ulica Strasho Pindjur 6, Veles, 1400. They can be contacted via phone at +389 75 757 297 for more detailed information. [read more]
Najs Kafe is a cafe, located at Ulica Ilindenska b. b. , Kavadarci, 1431. They can be contacted via phone at +389 78 218 083 for more detailed information. [read more]
Vanila is a cafe, located at Ulica Blagoj Gjorev b. b. , Veles, 1400. They can be contacted via phone at +389 76 495 205 for more detailed information. [read more]
Kapri kafe is a cafe, located at Ulica Goce Delchev 15, Veles, 1400. They can be contacted via phone at +(389)-(78)-878797 for more detailed information. [read more]
Vinil is a cafe, located at Ulica Blagoj Gjorev 89, Veles, 1400. They can be contacted via phone at +(389)-(78)-249071 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Rodna is a cafe, located at Ulica Orce Martinov 20, Veles, 1400. They can be contacted via phone at +389 43 229 296 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Cafe Amaro is a cafe, located at Ulica Marshal Tito, Negotino, 1440. They can be contacted via phone at +389 75 484 555 for more detailed information. [read more]
Drama kafe is a cafe, located at Ulica Blagoj Gjorev 89/9, Veles, 1400. They can be contacted via phone at +389 77 444 143 for more detailed information. [read more]
Kasa is a cafe, located at Ulica Blagoj Gjorev 69/2, Veles, 1400. They can be contacted via phone at +389 71 213 322 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Street Cafe is a bar, located at Blagoj Gjorev, Veles, Republic of Macedonia. [read more]
Газела is a bar, located at Страшо Пинџур 107, 1440 Negotino, Republic of Macedonia. They can be contacted via phone at +38978620725 for more detailed information. [read more]
Only the finest beers in town. . [read more]
The best coffe is here���. [read more]
RABOTNO VREME: NED-CETVRT-od 12,00 do 02,00 PET-SAB-od 12,00 do 3,00 CASOT SPACEnet. [read more]
Petok : Galaxy BEND - zabavna muzika so konjak, vodka party 40 den. Sabota : Dj BRKO - Hip- Hop, R&B - TUBORG party 70 den
konjak, votka party 40 den
Escape Caffe - Veles, Macedonia is a cafe, located at Благој Ѓорев б. б. , Veles. [read more]
Ве очекуваме на Предновогодишно загревање со Стефан Николовски во Cafe Casa !
Почитувани следбеници на спортските настани! Започнува СВЕТСКОТО ПРВЕНСТВО во РАКОМЕТ 2019! Кафе Бар.. [read more]
Почитувани Гости на Caffe Bar Mr. Exclusive, Од срце ви благодариме за поддршката и довербата кои ни ги дадовте во изминатата година, кои беа мотив за нашиот успех. [read more]
White Hot Chocolate Дојдете да се стоплите на врнежливото време во #CafeBarMagic #CERMAT 🥄🥛🥤
Повелете на најубавото топло чоколадо само во #CafeBarMagic #Carina #Cermat 🥛🍮🥤
To make people happy. . . . [read more]
Caffe Bar Gazela vi pretstavuva UEFA CHAMPIONS LEAGUE!!!
CRVENA ZVEZDA - LIVERPOOL ********** 18:55h ********** NAPOLI - PSG. [read more]
Plan B im go cestita praznikot Kurban Bajram na site luge od muslimanska veroispoved!Plan B im go cestita praznikot Kurban Bajram na site luge od muslimanska veroispoved!. [read more]
Našite tursko Restorant vo NEGOTINO ALPHA ROYAL KING Vo našite tradicionalni tursko restorant vo NEGOTINO, nie ḱe vi ja orientalni turskata kujna od strana na profesionalen gotvač. [read more]
Aty ku shijohet kafja me uj natryral dhe me plotë eksperienë 17 vjeçare ne rrethinen e Velesit! URDHERONI JU MIRPRESIM! me mirkuptim stafi Progress caffe 🎉🎈😉
Kafe Igroteka Happy Day is a cafe, located at Andon Shurkov br. 36, 1400 Veles, Republic of Macedonia. [read more]
cdo veper vlersohet. . . jeta duhet te jetohet. . . gjeja e shejnt duhet qmohet dhe kjo dit e bekuar duhet te festohet. . . . urime Fiter Bajrami
Perfect place to enjoy your coffee. 😎
enjoy in your daily espresso. [read more]
Ресторан Сино се наоѓа во просториите на автобуската станица на град Кавадарци до КАМ маркет. . [read more]