Name:Аптека "Фарма-Медика"Phone:+38943550930Amenity:PharmacyName En:Apteka "Farma-Medika"Addr Street:Цано ПопРистовAddr Postcode:1430Opening Hours:Mo-Sa 08:00-20:00Addr Housenumber:36. [read more]
Name:Фротком МакедонијаEmail:Info@mk. frotcom. comPhone:+38943222456Office:CompanyAn office of a private companyName En:Frotcom MacedoniaWebsite:Https://www. [read more]
Name:ЛКВ КОСТОВСКИEmail:Dragan@lkvkostovski. comPhone:+38943222456Amenity:Car WashName En:LKV KOSTOVSKIWebsite:Http://www. lkvkostovski. comAddr Street:Vardarska.. [read more]
Name:Pet Shop K-M Br. 1Shop:Supermarket. [read more]
Name:Pet Shop K-M Br. 2Shop:Supermarket. [read more]
Name:ЛегоAmenity:CafeName En:LegoName Mk:ЛегоAddr Street:ИлинденскаAddr Postcode:1430Addr Housenumber:42. [read more]
Name:Виничани СтаницаHighway:Bus StopName En:Vinicani Bus StationName Mk:Виничани Станица. [read more]
Name:Kit-go MarketName:MaxiDShop:SupermarketAddr Street:Plostad. [read more]
Email:Pivnicapub@gmail. comPhone:0038943230212Amenity:PubName En:Pivnica PubAddr Street:Благој ЃоревAddr Postcode:1400Opening Hours:Mo-Su 09:00-00:00Internet Access:WlanAddr Housenumber:28. [read more]
Name:PrevalecName Mk:ПревалецNetwork:Makedonski ŽelezniciRailway:HaltInt Name:PrevalecOperator:Makedonski Železnici. [read more]
Name:Мечкуевска Куќа - ПужеAmenity:RestaurantName En:Mečkuevska House - PužeName Mk:Мечкоеска Куќа - Пуже. [read more]
Name:Diana 8Shop:SupermarketName En:Diana 8Name Mk:Diana 8. [read more]
Name:Пиљaрa ПaмпиShop:GreengrocerEmail:Rade Janevski@yahoo. comPhone:+38975345525Name En:Fruit &Veggies Shop `Pampi`Addr Street:Маршал ТитоAddr Postcode:1442Opening.. [read more]
Name:Kafe Slatkarnica TuristAmenity:CafeName Mk:Kafe Slatkarnica Turist. [read more]
Name:НЕА-ДЕНТEmail:Elizabetamilkova@yahoo. comPhone:071259267Amenity:DentistName En:NEA-DENTAddr Street:Lazo MicevAddr Postcode:1430Opening Hours:Mo-Fr 09:00-20:00Opening Hours:.. [read more]
Name:ПроКредит БанкаAmenity:BankName En:ProKredit Bank. [read more]
Name:Езе БарAmenity:BarName En:Ezze Bar. [read more]
Name:Капри КафеAmenity:Cafe. [read more]
Name:Еуро ФармAmenity:Pharmacy. [read more]
Name:ДурутовецIs In:ВелесPlace:SuburbA part of a town or city with a well-known name and often a distinct identity. Name En:Durutovec. [read more]
Ele:755Name:Свети Јовански рид (755)Name Bg:Свети Йовански рид (755)Natural:PeakThe top (summit) of a hill or mountain. . [read more]
Ele:747Name:Тиски ВрвNatural:PeakThe top (summit) of a hill or mountain. Wikidata:Q20941917. [read more]
Name:ИП Дизајн СтудиоShop:FurnitureEmail:Interprojectdesign@yahoo. comPhone:+389 43 410 850Name En:IP Design StudioAlt Name:ИнтерПроект Дизајн СтудиоInt.. [read more]
Name:ΠούλοβετςPlace:LocalityA named place that has no population. . [read more]
Name:Franc Solar LTDOffice:CompanyAn office of a private companyWebsite:Www. franc-solar. comAddr City:KavadarciAddr Street:IndustriskaAddr Postcode:1430Addr Housenumber:48. [read more]
Name:Studio VISAGEShop:Beauty. [read more]
Name:Lotus DooelBuilding:OfficeAddr Street:Rastanski Pat BbAddr Housename:Lotus Dooel. [read more]
Ele:744Name:Три ДабициSource:SurveyNatural:PeakThe top (summit) of a hill or mountain. Int Name:Tri DabiciWikidata:Q22091141Source Name:КатастарSource Ref Url:Http://gis. [read more]
Ele:697Name:ГаберотSource:SurveyNatural:PeakThe top (summit) of a hill or mountain. Int Name:GaberotWikidata:Q22088365Source Name:КатастарSource Ref Url:Http://gis. [read more]
Ele:723Name:КрстотSource:SurveyNatural:PeakThe top (summit) of a hill or mountain. Int Name:KrstotWikidata:Q22090847Source Name:КатастарSource Ref Url:Http://gis. [read more]
Ele:741Name:ГрадотSource:SurveyNatural:PeakThe top (summit) of a hill or mountain. Int Name:GradotWikidata:Q22090199Source Name:КатастарSource Ref Url:Http://gis. [read more]
Name:Студена ВодаSource:SurveyNatural:SpringA place where ground water flows naturally from the groundInt Name:Studena VodaSource Name:КатастарSource Ref Url:Http://gis. [read more]
Name:цветна површинаLeisure:GardenA place where flowers and other plants are grown in a decorative and structured manner or for scientific purposes. . [read more]
Fee:NoName:Цветна површина-кружен токAccess:YesLeisure:GardenA place where flowers and other plants are grown in a decorative and structured manner or for scientific purposes. [read more]
Name:Спомен куќа на Страшо ПинџурName De:Gedenkstätte Haus - Strascho PindjurName En:Memorial House - Strasho PindjurTourism:MuseumA museum: an institution with.. [read more]
Name:KarambolShop:Car Repair. [read more]