Sweet Raspscallions was founded at ,,National Geographic Channel" in November 2011. Scatte Mate as a wood-crime representative met Phill Refill at channel's building and they decided to have a coffee over a very important discussion. Meanwhile, Maill Fimail accidentally jumped through the window. He ordered a natural water and drag the attention at him.
After a very interesting chain of events that took place in reality, the trio created ,,Lonely Drop" in December 2011 that was promoted by real people in Bitola on 8th January 2012.
The band's debut EP was released by Sharla records Skopje in April 2014 under the name - EP I AM.
Winter is our season. Info in description.
Mona Lisa private gig - pripremi za Akto Zemjotres Promo - Sabota 25ti, 19 h, Park na oficerski dom
Bekari Zivojno 1963ta Акто Фестивал Акто Музика
Crimson Wings according to urban dictionary ,,Like when a pilot has his first solo flight he gets his wings. When a man has sex with a girl for the first time while she has her period he gets his crimson wings. (Brown wings when its the first time up the arse) Man 1: How did your date go with Sharon last night, did you bang her? Man 2: Not bad, she was a bit moody, she said it was down to her time of the month. I banged anyway though. Man 1: Nice one, you got your Crimson ...Wings"
We talked about Pink Flamingos though
See Morewonderful performance
#bitolashakespearefestival - #sweetrapscallions with half @spank_music
Don Zhvan i 2 palmi (Don Zhvan and two palms)
This piece is cut from a jam we did at Radost Kafic in summer 2016, as a fourth official Sweet Rapscallions gig. We payed this piece as an intro and have never played it before. The instruments we used - Triton Taktile, iPad, hammer, springs, nails and other construction tools, and a keyboard.
Happy birthday Igor Trajkovski Foja
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Vladko and Mirce @spank_music as Sweet Rapscallions? Well this is what we call Epiams
Министерство за култура - Please receive our kind regards