Музеј д-р Никола Незлобински is a museum, located at Улица Боро Хаџиески 69, Струга, 6331. They can be contacted via phone at +389 46 786 644 for more detailed information. [read more]
Катерина, located at Улица Боро Калајџиоски 25, Struga, 6331. They can be contacted via phone at +389 75 331 734 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Проаква, located at Улица Боро Калајџиоски b. b. , Струга, 6331. They can be contacted via phone at +389 46 784 050 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Реха Фит, located at Улица Маркс и Енгелс b. b. , Struga, 6330. They can be contacted via phone at +389 46 781 490 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Кеском, located at Улица 1-ви Мај 3, Struga, 6330. They can be contacted via phone at +389 70 212 004 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Алб травел-турс, located at Улица Ристо Крле 19, Struga, 6330. They can be contacted via phone at +389 46 786 504 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Стојкоски Владимир, located at Улица Вардарска 10, Struga, 6330. They can be contacted via phone at +389 46 550 292 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Sportska Medicina Struga, located at Ulica Boro Kalajdjieski, Struga, 6330. [read more]
Д-р В. Бакраческа и Д-р Г. Тодороска is a doctor, located at Struga, 6330. They can be contacted via phone at +389 71 220 560 for more detailed information. [read more]
Дента лифе is a dentist, located at Кеј 8-Ми Ноември 20, Струга, 6330. They can be contacted via phone at +389 46 782 529 for more detailed information. [read more]
Д-р Светлана Докоска is a doctor, located at Кеј 8-Ми Ноември b. b. , Struga, 6330. They can be contacted via phone at +389 77 641 403 for more detailed information. [read more]
Д-р Е. Перевска и Д-р Т. Клечкароски is a doctor, located at Улица Славеј Планина b. b. , Struga, 6330. They can be contacted via phone at +389 46 786 012 for more detailed information. [read more]
Д-р Добровоцки is a doctor, located at Улица Славеј Планина b. b. , Struga, 6330. They can be contacted via phone at +389 46 253 555 for more detailed information. [read more]
Makpetrol Hotel is a lodging, located at Struga, 6333. They can be contacted via phone at +389 46 797 466 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Православни гробишта Калишта is a cemetery, located at Struga, 6333. [read more]
Кампимг Рино is a lodging, located at R-1208, Struga, 6333. They can be contacted via phone at +389 72 743 260 for more detailed information. . [read more]
KAM market-Struga 2, located at Ulica JNA 71, Struga, 6330. They can be contacted via phone at +389 46 789 502 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Ina Kozmetic, located at Ulica Marshal Tito, Struga, 6331. [read more]
Vila E bukur, located at Ulica Dimche Kovacheski 3, Struga, 6331. They can be contacted via phone at +389 70 676 454 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Tashma, located at Ulica Elpida Karamandi 33, Struga, 6331. They can be contacted via phone at +389 46 782 595 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Harmes is a restaurant, located at Ulica Marshal Tito, Struga, 6331. They can be contacted via phone at +389 70 362 683 for more detailed information. [read more]
Merkes, located at Ulica Marshal Tito b. b. , Struga, 6331. They can be contacted via phone at +389 70 843 202 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Радолишта, located at Радолишта, Radolishta, Southwestern Region, North Macedonia. [read more]
Подгорци, located at Подгорци, Podgorci, Southwestern Region, North Macedonia. [read more]
Општина Струга, located at Municipality of Struga, Southwestern Region, North Macedonia. [read more]
Струга, located at Струга, 36330 Struga, North Macedonia. [read more]
Orto smajl is a dentist, located at Ulica Boro Kalajdjioski b. b. , Struga, 6331. They can be contacted via phone at +389 78 300 196 for more detailed information. [read more]
Esteta dent is a dentist, located at Ulica Boro Kalajdjieski b. b. , Struga, 6330. They can be contacted via phone at +389 77 638 351 for more detailed information. [read more]
Restaurant Bonaca is a restaurant, located at Ulica Marshal Tito, Struga, 6331. [read more]
Svetlo, located at Ulica Proleterski Brigadi 56, Struga, 6331. They can be contacted via phone at +389 46 786 375 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Sveti Arhangel is a church, located at Struga, 6333. [read more]
Ate Mishelin, located at Ulica Marshal Tito b. b. , Struga, 6331. They can be contacted via phone at +389 71 614 848 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Policiska stanica-Lukovo is a police, located at Struga, 6337. They can be contacted via phone at +389 46 787 329 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Dioni is a restaurant, located at Ulica Partizanska 2, Struga, 6330. They can be contacted via phone at +389 72 540 902 for more detailed information. [read more]
KPU-Opshtinski zatvor, located at Struga, 6331. They can be contacted via phone at +(389)-(46)-797454 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Bleron Kompani is a car repair, located at Struga, 6333. They can be contacted via phone at +389 46 797 633 for more detailed information. . [read more]