Мрзенци, located at Мрзенци, Mrzenci, Southeastern Region. [read more]
Негорци, located at Негорци, 1483 Negorci. [read more]
Прдејци, located at Прдејци, Prdejci, Southeastern Region. [read more]
Смоквица, located at Смоквица, Smokvica, Southeastern Region. [read more]
Аразли, located at Аразли, Arazli, Municipality of Valandovo, Southeastern Region. [read more]
Баракли, located at Баракли, Barakli, Municipality of Valandovo, Southeastern Region. [read more]
Булунтули, located at Булунтули, Buluntuli, Municipality of Valandovo, Southeastern Region. [read more]
Ѓулели, located at Ѓулели, Gjuleli, Municipality of Valandovo, Southeastern Region. [read more]
Башали, located at Башали, Bashali, Municipality of Valandovo, Southeastern Region. [read more]
Јосифово, located at Јосифово, Josifovo, Southeastern Region. [read more]
Кочули, located at Кочули, Kochuli, Municipality of Valandovo, Southeastern Region. [read more]
Марвинци, located at Марвинци, Marvinci, Southeastern Region. [read more]
Пирава, located at Пирава, 2463 Pirava. [read more]
Плавуш, located at Плавуш, Plavush, Municipality of Valandovo, Southeastern Region. [read more]
Татарли, located at Татарли, Tatarli, Municipality of Valandovo, Southeastern Region. [read more]
Терзели, located at Терзели, Terzeli, Municipality of Valandovo, Southeastern Region. [read more]
Валандово, located at Валандово, 2460 Valandovo. [read more]
Башибос, located at Башибос, Bashibos, Southeastern Region, North Macedonia. [read more]
Гечерлија, located at Гечерлија, Gecherlija, Southeastern Region. [read more]
Зубово, located at Зубово, Zubovo, Southeastern Region. [read more]
Дабиље, located at Дабиље, Dabilјe, Southeastern Region. [read more]
Сачево, located at Сачево, Sachevo, Southeastern Region. [read more]
Владевци, located at Владевци, Vladevci, Southeastern Region. [read more]
Василево, located at Василево, Vasilevo, Southeastern Region. [read more]
Собри, located at Собри, Sobri, Southeastern Region. [read more]
Честево, located at Честево, Chestеvo, Municipality of Valandovo, Southeastern Region. [read more]
Давидово, located at Давидово, Davidovo, Southeastern Region. [read more]
Петрово, located at Петрово, Petrovo, Southeastern Region. [read more]
Општина Гевгелија, located at Municipality of Gevgelija, Southeastern Region, North Macedonia. [read more]
Градошорци, located at Градошорци, Gradoshorci, Southeastern Region. [read more]
Водоча, located at Водоча, Vodocha, Southeastern Region. [read more]
Белотино, located at Белотино, Belotino, Municipality of Strumica, Southeastern Region. [read more]
Попчево, located at Попчево, Popchevo, Southeastern Region. [read more]
Баница, located at Баница, Banica, Southeastern Region. [read more]
Костурино, located at Костурино, Kosturino, Southeastern Region. [read more]
Дукатино, located at Дукатино, Dukatino, Southeastern Region. [read more]